
Freedom is Hard! Commie AOC Complains ‘Absurd’ to Get to Choose from ’66 Complex Financial Products’ as Obamacare Deadline Looms, Pushes ‘Medicare for All’ Instead

- Desember 15, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) complained about having 66 Gold Obamacare plans to choose from in a tweet on Sunday, the last day of open enrollment, saying “66 complex financial products” to choose from is “absurd” and that “no one should go through this”.

The 30-year-old leftist freshman Congresswoman has degrees in Economics and International Relations from Boston College, with a minor in cute dancing, which she parlayed into a career in bartending before being selected to run for Congress.

“Members of Congress also have to buy their plans off the exchange. They are Gold plans that are partially subsidized. That means I get to “choose” btwn 66 complex financial products. This is absurd. No person should go without healthcare, &no one should go through this, either…While I am VERY thankful to finally have health insurance, it is a moral outrage that it took me *getting elected to Congress* for that to happen. The US needs to become an advanced society. That includes establishing healthcare as a right to all people…And as someone who has now experienced many parts of the insurance spectrum (being uninsured, underinsured, and adequately insured) I don’t see how anyone can think our current healthcare system only needs a 10% improvement or a just few tweaks. We need #MedicareForAll…And once again, make sure to get insured if you can at http://healthcare.gov Yes, it’s a pain. But it is worth it. I know some folks are bristling at the fact that I am pointing that out, but we have to acknowledge the reality so we can move forward together.”

Apparently Ocasio-Cortez waited until the last minute to choose her plan and is overwhelmed. Like she was by a garbage disposal…

A 2017 CNBC article reported members of Congress receive 72 percent subsidies for the plan premiums:

As the myth busting website Snopes points out, “contrary to popular belief, Congressional members do not receive free health care.” Instead, they choose a gold-level Obamacare policy and receive federal subsidies that cover 72 percent of the cost of the premiums.

In short, Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.

The post Freedom is Hard! Commie AOC Complains ‘Absurd’ to Get to Choose from ’66 Complex Financial Products’ as Obamacare Deadline Looms, Pushes ‘Medicare for All’ Instead appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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