
Christine Ford Demands Hearing be Held in Small Room – “Doesn’t Want Hearing to Become Media TV Show” …Really?

- September 25, 2018

On Monday evening, the Senate Judiciary Committee officially sent out its notice for the hearing Thursday.

As usual, accuser Christine Ford is being a demanding diva because she believes she runs the Senate.

Ford is demanding the hearing be held in the Dirksen Senate building rather than the larger Hart Senate building to limit media.

The Dirksen Senate building is not TV friendly–Ford says she “doesn’t want the hearing to become a media TV show.” REALLY?? It’s already a circus!

The format is still up in the air, however; it has been revealed that the first panel has Christine Ford being questioned solo and the second panel will question Judge Brett Kavanaugh solo.

Christine Ford demanded the hearing be held in smaller building to limit media.

The Senate Judiciary Committee led by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) agreed to Monday to use a prosecutor experienced in sex-crimes to serve as an investigative staff counsel for the hearing.

Christine Ford accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse 36 years ago at an unknown place or time.
Since then her named witnesses, including a female friend, have ALL denied the woman’s accusations.

Mr. Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations against him and said he looks forward to clearing his good name on Thursday.

The post Christine Ford Demands Hearing be Held in Small Room – “Doesn’t Want Hearing to Become Media TV Show” …Really? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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