
Rep. Katie Hill Blames Affair Story on “Abusive Husband,” But Texts Contradict Her Claims

- Oktober 22, 2019

In response to RedState’s series of articles regarding her alleged involvement in sexual relationships with campaign and congressional staffers, Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) issued a statement to Politico on Tuesday denying the relationship with her male congressional staffer and claiming that “an abusive husband” is part of a “coordinated effort to try to destroy” her.

“The fact is I am going through a divorce from an abusive husband who seems determined to try to humiliate me. I am disgusted that my opponents would seek to exploit such a private matter for political gain. This coordinated effort to try to destroy me and people close to me is despicable and will not succeed. I, like many women who have faced attacks like this before, am stronger than those who want me to be afraid.”

In a text message from the female staffer involved in the throuple that was sent to Hill on June 3 of this year, the female staffer says that she is “terrified of pushing back against [Hill] or upsetting [her],” because she’s seen how Hill treats Kenny.

As reported in an earlier story today, Kenny Heslep apologized to the female staffer in text messages for the “abusive relationship” to which he and Hill subjected the staffer.

Additionally, Rep. Hill vehemently denied that she was having any kind of relationship with her Legislative Director.

“Allegations that I have been involved in a relationship with Mr. Kelly are absolutely false. I am saddened that the deeply personal matter of my divorce has been brought into public view and the vindictive claims of my ex have now involved the lives and reputations of unrelated parties.”

Text messages between Jeff Bomberger, a videographer contracted by Hill’s campaign in both the 2018 and 2020 cycles, and Kenny Heslep contradict her claim.

Heslep asked Bomberger, “Did you know about Graham and Katie?” Bomberger replied, “I do know yes, but I didn’t know until recently.”

Continuing the conversation, Bomberger said that Rep. Hill personally told him about the relationship with Graham Kelly, that he was trying to be a friend to both sides, and referenced the months of July and August being a “whirlwind.” The screenshot was created on October 7, 2019.

Heslep and Hill attended a mediation on Tuesday, October 8, in Southern California. Afterward, Heslep texted a different friend that Katie was “freaking out” over the possibility that a story linking her with Graham Kelly would be published. That friend spoke to RedState on condition of anonymity and said that Katie was “on the table” during the mediation, screaming at Heslep and telling him he’d better keep his mouth shut. According to a text message the friend provided to RedState, Heslep said:

“Also, I discovered why she is freaking out about me calling her out about Graham… there is an ethics clause for the house that strictly forbids hanky panky with subordinates… I have already had multiple people confirm their relationship. And Katie stood up and yelled at us about confronting her about Graham.”

Kelly hasn’t responded to requests for a comment from other outlets.

Hill does not deny the relationship between the female staffer, Heslep, and herself. Though the staffer was never on her Congressional staff, according to the Washington Post “the Ethics Committee has previously investigated such claims and determined it has jurisdiction over ‘misconduct relating to a successful campaign for election to the House.'” Perhaps an Ethics investigation into both relationships should be held to determine the truth of the matter and just how compromised Rep. Hill is.

Jennifer Van Laar is Deputy Managing Editor of RedState. Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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