Hillary Clinton points to the audience as she is introduced at Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass., Friday, May 25, 2018. Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute honored Clinton with the 2018 Radcliffe Medal. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)
While it’s hard to keep up with all the freak-outs constantly percolating within our media establishment, one of the latest involves Donald Trump using the term “lynch” to describe the secret impeachment investigation they are carrying out. This came as part of his frustration with the Democrats refusing to take a vote and shutting off all minority rights for Republicans, something that’s unprecedented.
My colleague streiff wrote on it earlier today. Here’s the tweet in question.
So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2019
This of course led to all manner of gnashing of teeth. How could the President use such a historically charged word!
You think this impeachment is a LYNCHING? What the hell is wrong with you?
Do you know how many people who look like me have been lynched, since the inception of this country, by people who look like you. Delete this tweet. https://t.co/oTMhWo4awR
— Bobby L. Rush (@RepBobbyRush) October 22, 2019
Impeachment in the House is an indictment, not a trial. The Senate conducts the trial. President Trump constantly demands special treatment that is not afforded other Americans. And to liken the constitutional impeachment process to a “lynching” is reprehensible and shameful. https://t.co/P2nmaXiSiZ
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) October 22, 2019
Of course, a little digging has turned up the reality that Democrats have used the term “lynch” in its various forms (lynch mob, lynching, etc.) many times. It’s pretty laughable just how prevalent their use of the word has been throughout the years. Worse, they did so specifically decrying impeachment, the very thing Trump is decrying. You can’t make this stuff up.
Check it out.
“Indeed it is a Political Lynching” pic.twitter.com/tNSnYDcLHW
(@alx) October 22, 2019
Nadler: “I wish we could get this over with quickly. … In pushing the process, in pushing the arguments of fairness and due process the Republicans so far have been running a lynch mob.” https://t.co/lHWWFXW5eE
(@alx) October 22, 2019
Democratic Senator @JohnKerry:
“It’s a verbal political Lynching on the floor of the Senate” pic.twitter.com/LmvPb8VhPC
(@alx) October 22, 2019
Here’s Joe Biden in all his double talking glory.
Biden, six hours ago:
“Impeachment is not ‘lynching,’ it is part of our Constitution. Our country has a dark, shameful history with lynching, and to even think about making this comparison is abhorrent. It's despicable.” https://t.co/pHFwVilRAU
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 22, 2019
And while it wasn’t specifically on impeachment, this hilarious shot and chaser also exists for your viewing pleasure.
Journalism is just explaining why it’s ok when Dems/Press do it and not ok when Republicans do it….. pic.twitter.com/pSvf5jk5e5
— EducatëdHillbilly
(@RobProvince) October 22, 2019
That’s CNN’s Brian Stelter clone fretting at the use of the word lynching to describe a Congressional proceeding. The only problem is that CNN called the Benghazi hearings…a lynching.
I think you could call this hypocrisy, right?
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