
Robert De Niro Give’s ‘Em the Trump Treatment at Divorce Court: Press are ‘Scumbags’

- April 10, 2019



Actor Robert De Niro had some strong words for those who bring America its news Tuesday amid his return to divorce court in New York.

The 75-year-old star of some of my favorite movies kept a newspaper in front of his face as he prepared to further hash things out with his estranged wife of 20 years, Grace Hightower.

At the center of the proceedings: their 7-year-old daughter.

This isn’t the couple’s first rodeo, as noted by People:

De Niro filed for divorce in 1999 and engaged into a custody dispute over their son. The pair eventually smoothed things over and the divorce was never finalized.

In November 2004, the two renewed their vows in front of an A-list crowd such as Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep, Ben Stiller, Tom Brokaw and others.

Outside the Manhattan Supreme Court, a photographer for the New York Post asked Bob how he was doing.

His response was curt:

“Hi, scumbags. Hi, scumbags.”

De Niro has given audiences some fantastic entertainment over the years — some of my favorites are Goodfellas, Godfather Part II, Casino, Meet the Parents, and the terrific Sleepers.

Over the last few years, he seems to have invested himself in spreading division and ugliness, ironically in his efforts to fight what he perceives to be Trump’s divisive vileness (here and here).

It seems to me that his strategy isn’t best. In my opinion, vitriol is powerless against itself.

Here’s to hoping a man who’s enthralled so many will unite audiences again. And speaking of unity, I wish his family well in the proceedings — which De Niro himself initiated — especially for the sake of the couple’s young daughter.

What are your favorite De Niro films? I’d like to know. Please share your recommendations in the Comments section below.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Lesbian Couple Identifying As Straight Couple Prepares To Transition 5-Yr-Old Son Into A DaughterStraight Texas Couple Identifying As Gay Male Couple Conceive A Baby Boy, But They’ll Never Do It Again, and WATCH: 6 Taco Bell Employees Savagely Beat Up Customer & His Girlfriend After 45-Minute Wait.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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