
Soros-Tied Group ‘Demand Justice,’ Best Known For Leading Fight Against Kavanaugh, Raising Funds To Block Border Wall

- Januari 13, 2019

We shouldn’t be surprised that billionaire activist George Soros has jumped into the fray over the funding for President Trump’s border wall. He simply can’t resist the urge to morph into his beloved “master of the universe” role.

Demand Justice is a Soros-financed, left-wing judicial nominee advocacy group. It was founded in early 2018 by Brian Fallon, who served as press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, to fight right-wing judicial nominees.

The group has currently set its sights on fighting the court battle that will likely ensue if Trump declares a national emergency to obtain funding for construction of a border wall. The group states, “This lawless president has created a humanitarian crisis along the southern border of our country by targeting asylum seekers; already, two children have died in U.S. border patrol custody.”

They sent out the following fund request to their supporters:

If Trump takes this unprecedented action, it WILL be challenged in the courts. This is why we fight. Give $5 now.

We won’t allow Trump to hold our country hostage with his fearmongering and scare tactics. The courts may be our last line of defense against Trump’s authoritarian impulses and now is the time to show him we won’t stand down. Give $5 now to help us fight back.

Hillary Clinton, through her own left-wing group, Onward Together, sent out a fundraising request which said will help “fight back against the administration’s hateful rhetoric and harmful policies — donate directly to the organizations helping to reunite and provide support to families seeking asylum at the border.”

Demand Justice is best known for leading the opposition to now-Supreme Court Justice Dennis Kavanaugh’s nomination, which was the ugliest political smear-campaign Americans have ever witnessed. Breitbart News reported “that less than one hour after Trump announced Kavanagh as his nominee, Demand Justice had already put up the website stopkavanaugh.com, exclaiming: “We need to demand that the Senate defeat the Brett Kavanaugh nomination.”

According to the Associated Press, the group came under fire for refusing to disclose it’s donor list. Demand Justice

is structured in such a way that it doesn’t have to file annual tax returns. That’s because it’s “fiscally sponsored” by a tax-exempt social welfare organization called the Sixteen Thirty Fund. The Sixteen Thirty Fund files federal tax returns but doesn’t have to disclose the identities of its donors.

A Daily Caller investigation found that Soros’s Open Society Policy Center (OSPC) had donated $2.2 million to the Six Thirty Fund, Demand Justice’s fiscal sponsor.

So, although they evidently went to great lengths to hide it, the financial strings all reach back to George Soros, the “puppet-master.”

It’s amazing how “incestuous” the composition of many of these advocacy groups in Washington, D.C. is. In addition to Brian Fallon, Gabrielle McCaffrey, who served as the digital organizer in the Clinton campaign, leads Demand Justice’s digital team. The group also employs Paige Herwig, who once worked for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as a Judiciary Committee aide. And before that, she served as counselor to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. In that capacity, Herwig was involved in crafting Lynch’s statement to the media regarding her infamous meeting aboard her plane on the tarmac of the Phoenix, AZ airport just days before Hillary was exonerated by James Comey.





The post Soros-Tied Group ‘Demand Justice,’ Best Known For Leading Fight Against Kavanaugh, Raising Funds To Block Border Wall appeared first on RedState.


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