In an interview with Dr. Oz, First Daughter Ivanka Trump revealed that she suffered from postpartum depression, and feminists couldn’t have been more giddy about it.
Trump opened up about how she suffered in the past after the birth of all three of her children during an interview with ABC’s Doctor Oz.
“I felt like I was not living up to my potential as a parent, or as an entrepreneur, or as an executive,” Trump said. “I had had such easy pregnancies that in some ways the juxtaposition hit me even harder.”
.@IvankaTrump touched on a topic during our interview that women across the world can identify with: postpartum depression. Watch tomorrow.
— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) September 20, 2017
According to past writing from feminists, they too consider postpartum depression a serious issue that women should seek help for. The Huffington Post itself declared postpartum depression a “feminist issue” in 2014:
Postpartum depression is deserving of attention and action from multiple communities, including the feminist community. We need to raise our voices to increase public awareness of the issue, so that women do not feel stigmatized, and demand availability and access to support services. While it is experienced exclusively by women, postpartum depression has a ripple effect; and unless it’s addressed on a large scale, women and their families will continue to suffer in silence.
But as feminists are wont to do, they immediately abandoned their professed principles and celebrated the fact that the first daughter had suffered, and wished further suffering upon her.
As DailyWire’s Emily Zanotti pointed out, self-proclaimed feminists — like Kimberly Foster — took to Twitter to publicly hope Trump suffered more, all because she was a Trump.
Girl. Suffer.
— Kimberly N. Foster (@KimberlyNFoster) September 20, 2017
A follower of Foster’s, who claims to suffer from PTSD and depression, couldn’t have agreed more.
I have horrible PTSD & depression 4 YEARS & I never like to hear that others are going thru the same. But I wish all the misery on this ho
— Leslie Afua
(@lunit30) September 20, 2017
Slate writer Ruth Graham seemed to disbelieve that Trump even suffered from postpartum depression at all, and was actually using it to build her brand.
“There’s an interesting kernel in this otherwise anodyne bit of puffery from the land of Oz,” wrote Graham. “The Dr. Oz “reveal” felt like evidence of Ivanka’s greatest talent: recognizing when a topic is innocuous enough that she can safely use it to build her personal brand at no risk to her reputation.”
Buzzfeed writer Anne Helen Petersen also seemed to believe the same.
Postpartum depression awareness is v. important but the timing of the release of this information is not accidental. I, Ivanka, also suffer
— Anne Helen Petersen (@annehelen) September 20, 2017
Once again, we see just how supportive of women feminists — the social group that claims it wishes to empower and support women as a whole — are all too ready to throw their principles to the curb in order get in their petty strikes against their political enemies.
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