Four U.S. service members were killed and three were wounded in a suicide bomb attack in Manbij, Syria Wednesday, a U.S. official reportedly told Reuters. The deadly attack was claimed by ISIS, however the claim is not yet confirmed.
“A witness in the city said the attack had targeted a restaurant where U.S. personnel were meeting members of the local militia that Washington backs there.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said 16 people had been killed in all, including two Americans. A militia source in north Syria also said two U.S. troops had been killed.”
Operation Inherent Resolve posted about the attack, confirming U.S. fatalities, “U.S. service members were killed during an explosion while conducting a routine patrol in Syria today. We are still gathering information and will share additional details at a later time.”
U.S. service members were killed during an explosion while conducting a routine patrol in Syria today. We are still gathering information and will share additional details at a later time.
— OIR Spokesperson (@OIRSpox) January 16, 2019
The attack comes about a month after President Trump announced he was ordering U.S. troops out of Syria, having completed their main goal of abolishing the ISIS caliphate, though pockets of ISIS fighters remain in control of small amounts of territory in Syria. Trump’s decision has been controversial, prompting the resignation/firing of Secretary of Defense James Mattis in December and causing liberal critics of “endless wars” to demand the U.S. stay in Syria, even though Trump has committed to keeping U.S. troops in neighboring Iraq in part to intervene in Syria when necessary.
Photos and videos of the attack and its aftermath were posted online. (Warning: graphic.)
Minbicteki patlama bir intihar saldırısıdır.
— Deniz Fırtına (@DenizFrtna14) January 16, 2019
A local source confirms the video was taken in the heart of Manbij. He says the owner of bombed restaurant fled ISIS, opened a restaurant in Gaziantep & then returned to Manbij after it was captured by the SDF.
— Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) January 16, 2019
In an explosion near a restaurant in Manbij’s busy market death and injuries reported. Unconfirmed reports about 2 American soldier also killed in the explosion @hawarnews #TwitterKurds
— Mutlu Civiroglu (@mutludc) January 16, 2019
🔴 At least 9 killed in bomb attack in #Syria's #Manbij . US hellicopters patrolling on the area.
📸— Mete Sohtaoğlu (@metesohtaoglu) January 16, 2019
ISIS identifies the suicide attacker in Manbij, who reportedly caused Coalition casualties, as Abu Yasin al-Shami. Near Qasr Al-Omara restaurant. Claims 9 killed or injured. Says choppers were sent for rescue.
— Hassan Hassan (@hxhassan) January 16, 2019
Manbij is in northern Syria, near the border with Turkey. ISIS controlled the city for several years during the Syrian civil war over the reign of Bashar al-Assad, but it was taken by anti-Assad forces in 2016 and has become self-governing.
Wikipedia noted this the involvement of US forces there: “Manbij today also is a hub for Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve training of new SDF recruits in the fight against ISIL and other Islamist militias in Syria.[37] On 26 February, the United States announced its support for the security of the Manbij Military Council. The United States also reportedly sent special forces and several military convoys to Manbij after the announcement.”
From a few weeks ago, woman Arab fighters on liberating Manbij from ISIS, “In #Manbij 2 wks ago interviewed young Arab women who joined Manbij Military Council. Told me about watching women liberate their city from ISIS in 2016. & about convincing families to allow them to be part of protecting their city. A new generation. Waiting to see what comes.”
In #Manbij 2 wks ago interviewed young Arab women who joined Manbij Military Council. Told me about watching women liberate their city from ISIS in 2016. & about convincing families to allow them to be part of protecting their city. A new generation. Waiting to see what comes.
— Gayle Tzemach Lemmon (@gaylelemmon) December 31, 2018
Featured Image via CNN/ANHA/Twitter.
An unspecified number of US service members were killed in today's explosion in Manbij, Syria. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) January 16, 2019
The post Report: Four US Soldiers Killed, Three Wounded in ISIS-Claimed Attack in Syria appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.