
There are Still 7 House Seats ‘Too Close to Call’ – All Republican – Will GOP Leaders Allow Democrats to Steal These Seats Too?

- November 12, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

(pic from Grrrgraphics.com)

As of this morning there are still seven US House Seats that are ‘too close to call’.  All of these seats were held by the GOP before the election.  What are the odds the Democrats steal them all?

Ballotpedia reports this morning seven US House seats from last week’s 2018 mid-terms that are too close to call –

All of these seats have one thing in common – they are currently held by Republicans.  After recent events in close races throughout the country, what are the odds that these seats stay GOP?

We know that in Florida in the Senate and Governor races, after delays and unconstitutional actions, Broward and Palm Beach Counties are still counting votes.  Numerous corrupt and criminal actions have already been reported this election cycle and this is not new for these Democrat led strongholds.  One Broward County employee even filled out an affidavit claiming seeing Broward County elections staff filling out blank ballots.

In New Mexico, a GOP Representative was declared the winner on election night.  Within 24 hours after 8,000 votes appeared out of nowhere, the Democrat had stolen the election and was declared the winner.

Whenever there are close elections, they almost always go to the Democrats who will do all they can to win.  These 7 House seats will likely be no exception!


The post There are Still 7 House Seats ‘Too Close to Call’ – All Republican – Will GOP Leaders Allow Democrats to Steal These Seats Too? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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