
McConnell Puts Schumer in His Place – Denies Schumer’s Request For an All Senators Briefing on Kavanaugh FBI Report

- Oktober 04, 2018

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) put Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in his place Wednesday.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer is doing everything he can to delay the Kavanaugh confirmation vote.

On Tuesday, Chuck Schumer told Mitch McConnell he wanted an FBI briefing on Brett Kavanaugh’s report 24 hrs before the Senate votes on cloture to end debate on the nomination.

“It is essential that Senators not only have access to the completed background investigation file, but that FBI officials be made available 24 hours before the Senate votes on cloture in order to answer Senators’ questions about what specific investigative steps were taken, what evidence was collected, and which witnesses were interviewed,” Schumer said in a letter to McConnell.

McConnell shot down Schumer’s request Wednesday in a letter.

“The briefing you requested is not authorized by the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding). It would be unprecedented and irregular. For example, there was no such briefing on the supplemental BI for the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court,” McConnell wrote. “And in all candor, I believe it would be used to further delay this nomination–a goal about which you and your Democratic colleagues have been abundantly clear and single-minded in pursuing,” McConnell added.

Screenshot of letter via reporter Seung Min Kim:

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The FBI wrapped up its supplemental probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the report will be delivered to Capitol Hill shortly.

The FBI will send one copy of Kavanaugh report to Capitol Hill and it will be kept in a safe, reported Mike Emanuel of FOX News.

According to FOX News, only Senators and 9 aides may read the Kavanaugh FBI report. It will be carried to senator’s offices at their request. But otherwise, kept at the Judiciary Committee, reported Chad Pergram.

The post McConnell Puts Schumer in His Place – Denies Schumer’s Request For an All Senators Briefing on Kavanaugh FBI Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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