
Attention Seeking Creepy Porn Lawyer Wants To Fight Donald Trump Jr

- Oktober 10, 2018

Not Really A Fighter

What the kids will do in the age of social media and specifically Twitter.

In the aftermath of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it seems that our favorite schlub with a law degree, Michael Avenatti, is still seeking attention in any way possible.

We are just waiting for him to star in a movie like one of his clients.

Avenatti got all wild-eyed two weeks ago when he revealed that he had a client, Deborah Ramirez, that witnessed all sorts of crazy things that Brett Kavanaugh had done while he was in high school and she was in college. Drugging women, gang bang lines and smacking women on the behind.

Are we sure Avenatti didn’t get a Stormy Daniels movie plot accidentally mixed up in here?

Well, that blew up in creepy porn lawyers face and being he is not one to be deterred by the simple aspect of a story lacking facts, he is now back with a new scheme to garner media attention.

He wants to fight President Donald Trump’s son, Don Jr in the octagon. This guy is craving any spotlight.

From Business Insider

US attorney and Trump administration critic Michael Avenatti challenged Donald Trump Jr. to a three-round Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) charity fight — saying “this would be for two great causes.”

NBC reporter Dylan Byers was with Avenatti at the Vanity Fair Summit on Tuesday, when the lawyer and activist proposed the match-up. Byers tweeted about the proposal, and Avenatti replied, confirming it.

Oh. My.

I guess Don Jr had this coming. He had tweeted out the day before that he was looking forward to the Avanetti/Weiner 2020 ticket being Tony Weiner is about to get out of the pokey for good behavior. (I do slightly disagree with Trump Jr here, Weiner has to run for Gov. first to be a legit Dem contender.) Humor is not allowed on the left side of the aisle.

Of course, no state would allow this to happen. Neither man is a trained mixed martial artist unless you consider a martial art flapping your gums, in that case, Creepy Pron Lawyer has this thing down pat.

I guess we will just have to wait for the inevitable movie Avenatti will star in after the media stops giving this guy any credence. In the meantime keep on talking Mr. Avanetti, the Democrats really love you. Not as much as conservatives do but close.

Not really.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Sen. Hatch ‘Shoos Away’ People Yelling At Him, Tells Them To “Grow Up” and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2


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