
EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Richard Spencer Confirmed as Deep State Plant

- Oktober 22, 2017

Richard Spencer Confirmed as Deep State Plant

Spencer Kept Database, Photos of Alt-Right Members at Charlottesville

Media darling and Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer ran his own Discord chat server, where he required that Alt-Right members submit photographs and detailed personal information about themselves, before they were allowed to join the group planning the Charlottesville attacks.

We have already exposed how Spencer’s close friend and fellow Charlottesville rally organizer Jason Kessler watched while the terrorist attacks were planned on his personal Discord server.

On October 8threvealed that Richard Spencer employed his close friend, and suspected pedophile, “TheBigKK” to gather data and require photographs of everyone connected to the Charlottesville rally on August 12th. Spencer required these measures to be taken in order to extract EXIF geotagging data from the images, so that he could obtain the home addresses of his recruits.

Spencer’s Former Friends in the Alt-Right are Exposing Him

Later, on October 18th, Richard Spencer staged forward-facing cameras pointed directly at the 12 or so followers that he had sit in a carefully prearranged spot at his heckled, failed speech at the University of Florida. Alt-Right members were required to provide Spencer with detailed information about themselves in order to attend his event.

Spencer and Enoch Were Careful to Not Block Their Cameras

Although the failed speech has been widely lambasted and ridiculed by both the left and the right, the event served Spencer’s purposes, which was to gather intelligence on the Alt-Right, and incite some of their dupes into some acts of violence. He was successful on both counts.

Right on cue, Spencer family friend George W Bush came out of nowhere and condemned the Alt-Right, nationalism and Trump in the same speech, coincidentally on the exact morning of the day of Spencer’s speech.

Richard Spencer is an admitted atheist and socialist, who hates America, hates Christians and the Constitution, and thinks that Trump supporters are “cucks”.

Richard Spencer is not a conservative. He has praised Bolshevism, and has called himself the “Karl Marx of the alt-right”. His mentor is a confused, retired academic, named Paul Gottfried. Gottfried says that the United States is no longer a republic, and is Nietzschean social Darwinist, who is a disciple of Marcuse and has been described as a “right-wing proponent of the Frankfurt school.”

The robotic talking points that Spencer reads off in mainstream media interviews come from his boss, William Regnery II, founder of the National Policy Institute. While college drop-out Richard Spencer pretends to “run” NPI from the basement of his mother’s 3 million dollar condo in Whitefish, Montana, it is really Regnery who is calling the shots.

According to Spencer himself, Regnery has played a “vitally important and indispensable” role in bolstering the alt-right movement and that he “wouldn’t do a big thing without consulting him.”

William Regnery’s father, Henry, was the founder of the American Security Council, which is riddled with CIA agents, and it’s spin-off, the Center for Security Policy, is headed by Dick Cheney, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, the neoconservative warmongers who pushed George W Bush into the Iraq war.

For many more details on Richard Spencer’s connections with the Deep State, please see this hard-hitting expose’:


Richard Spencer’s parents are from Dallas, Texas and he and his family have been close personal friends with the Bush family for many years.

Richard Spencer’s Parents, Rand and Sherry Spencer

This is a textbook case classic problem-reaction-solution that American patriots have been warning about for years.

Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, Mike Enoch and Eli Mosley meticulously conspired and planned to carry out the Charlottesville terrorist attack over many months.

Alt-right leader and Richard Spencer confidant Jason Kessler was an organizer for George Soros’ Occupy Wall Street movement, and a self admitted leftist provocateur, who dumped his Jewish girlfriend because she was not “liberal enough”. He then magically transformed himself into an leader in Spencer’s Alt-Right movement, and attached himself to the Donald Trump campaign in November of 2016.

Jason Kessler supervised the conspiracy to use vehicles as weapons in the attack, on his personal Discord server.

Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler encouraged the carry of firearms and the display of Nazi and ISIS flags at the rallies.

It is clear to anyone with in IQ above room temperature, that, if you are on the right, and you are going to an event organized by Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, Mike Enoch, or Eli Mosley, you are, what Spencer’s hero Lenin called, a “useful idiot”. You are going to be photographed, documented, and you are going to have an FBI file labeled “Domestic Terrorist” on it for the rest of your life.

Richard Spencer Fan Boys Smiling for the Cameras

Spencer had his followers march carefully, single filed, at night, past media, police and FBI cameras, while holding torches next to their faces for maximum resolution. Some of the dupes lost their jobs, but all of them are neatly cataloged, in order to be subpoenaed in upcoming trials.

The tactics that Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Eli Mosley are using are  straight from the George Soros/Saul Alinksy playbook, with a dash of Westboro Baptist Church thrown in.

The Alt-Right uses violent, inflammatory rhetoric to incite crowds, then, when the shooting starts, they run and hide behind police, as Jason Kessler demonstrated in the wake of Charlottesville. If the crowds do attack, they attempt to sue the police and whine for donations on Twitter about how their “civil rights” were violated.

The Alt-Right uses violent, inflammatory rhetoric to incite crowds, then, when the shooting starts, they run and hide behind police, as Jason Kessler demonstrated in the wake of Charlottesville. If the crowds do attack, they attempt to sue the police and whine for donations on Twitter about how their “civil rights” were violated.

We now know that Richard Spencer contracted with a Neo-Nazi terror cell named “Anticom” to provide armed security for him in Gainesville, and that he was forced to cancel an armed rally, complete with Nazi flags, in Charlotte on December 28th.

Three of Spencer’s followers were arrested after opening fire on group of people at a bus top in Gainesville, moments after his speech ended.

Three more loyal dupes of the Alt-Right

William Henry Fears, 30, of Pasadena, Texas; Colton Gene Fears, 28, also of Pasadena; and Tyler Eugene Tenbrink, 28, of Richmond, Texas; were charged with attempted homicide and held in the Alachua County jail. Tenbrink was also charged with being a felon in possession of a weapon.

It is not known at this time if these proud boys were members of Anticom, Atomwaffen Division, or another group. We do know that at least two of the three attackers were at the doomed August 12th rally, with Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler.

Suspect William Fears was a member of Vanguard America, which is the Neo-Nazi group that terrorist James Fields Jr was in, when he murdered Heather Heyer and wounded over thirty others. Fears followed Richard Spencer around the country, and attended his Texas A&M speech on December 6, 2016.

Richard Spencer Supporter William Fears

Suspect Tyler Tenbrink, the Neo-Nazi who opened fire on the people at the bus stop, also had plenty of money and free time to follow his dear leader around the country. He was also at Spencer’s speech at Texas A&M, and was with him at the Charlottesville rally.

Cowardly Shooter Tyler Tenbrink

Suspect Colton Fears was also a big fan of Richard Spencer. This loser showed up with a rifle to intimidate a gathering of socialists in Houston, Texas in April of 2017. He was also with Richard Spencer and Jason Kessler at Charlottesville.

Colton Fears. That look you get when you realize most of your new cell mates are not white.

What we do know is that Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch and Eli Mosley will not do any jail time, will deny any responsibility for the attacks, and will probably mock the victims and laud the thugs as “heroes”, who “did nothing wrong”. Maybe they “acted in self-defense” while opening fire on a group of bystanders at a city bus stop?

Spencer will probably jet back to Whitefish soon, for mimosas, and Enoch will return to his tawny Upper-East Side condo in New York City, as if nothing happened.

Just another day, working for the Deep State.

Judging by media coverage of both Charlottesville, their silence about the armed rally in Charlotte, and their tepid reaction to the shootings in Gainesville, it seems that Richard Spencer has friends in high places in the media.

The post EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Richard Spencer Confirmed as Deep State Plant appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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