
Juanita Broaddrick Offers to Fill in for Christine Blasey Ford if She Can’t Make it on Monday

- September 21, 2018

Accuser Christine Ford’s attorneys said in an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday that Ford is open to testifying next week–but not on Monday.

Once again, Christine Ford and her attorneys think they run the Senate.

On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote, citing Committee rules, that Christine Ford has until Friday morning at 10 AM to hand over her biography and prepared testimony if she wished to testify Monday.

Now Ford’s lawyers are demanding more time… and they still want the FBI to investigate her 36-year-old groping accusations which she remembered in 2012 and never told anyone about at the time.

While Christine Blasey Ford and her attorneys decide on whether or not she will testify Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick tweeted out today that she is willing to sit in.

Broaddrick accused former President Bill Clinton of rape back during his days in Arkansas politics.

The post Juanita Broaddrick Offers to Fill in for Christine Blasey Ford if She Can’t Make it on Monday appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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