
Bernie Sanders Admits The Obvious: Medicare For All Won’t Be ‘Free’ For The Middle Class (VIDEO)

- September 28, 2019

Leftists who like Bernie Sanders believe “the rich” are just going to pay for everything he is proposing.

But people who work for a living know better.

Bernie is finally coming clean and admitting someone has to pay for all the ‘free’ stuff.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Sanders: Medicare for All Not Free for the Middle Class

Medicare for All is not free and will require anyone earning more than $29,000 a year to pay more in taxes, presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said on The Late Show Thursday.

“Is health care free? No, it is not,” Sanders told host Stephen Colbert. “So what we do is exempt the first $29,000 of a person’s income. You make less than $29,000 you pay nothing in taxes. Above that, in a progressive way with the wealthiest people in this country paying the largest percentage, people do pay more in taxes.”

Sanders’s 2020 campaign website details the Vermont senator’s Medicare for All plan, but contains no mention of a tax increase on the middle class. Colbert confronted the Vermont senator about whether his proposal would lead to tax increases. Sanders acknowledged that taxes would have to rise if the government took control of one of the nation’s largest industries.

Sanders said people will no longer pay premiums, co-payments, or out-of-pocket expenses, offsetting the higher taxes once the government takes control of the health care sector. Sanders also said there will only be a private health care market for non-basic health care services, such as cosmetic surgery.

Watch the video:

This is not going to play well with taxpayers.

And people have noticed this:

It might not matter in the end.

Bernie is probably going to get creamed by Elizabeth Warren in the primary.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

The post Bernie Sanders Admits The Obvious: Medicare For All Won’t Be ‘Free’ For The Middle Class (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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