
TECH TYRANNY: YouTube Now Censoring and Punishing Anyone Who Uploads Video of Alex Jones

- Agustus 11, 2018

On Monday Facebook, Google-YouTube, Apple and Spotify removed Infowars from their platforms within hours in a coordinated attack on a top pro-Trump publisher.

On Friday, the CEO of social media platform Gab, Andrew Torba, said YouTube removed an interview he did with Infowars’ founder Alex Jones.

YouTube issued a ‘community guidelines strike’ against Gab’s channel for “encouraging illegal activity.”

So now talking to Alex Jones is considered illegal activity according to the Google-YouTube tech overlords.

Gab tweeted: Youtube just removed our interview with @RealAlexJones (notice the title predicting that this would happen lol)

How on earth was that interview “encouraging illegal activity?”

Conservative commentator and YouTube megastar, Mark Dice tweeted, “Looks like if you include “Alex Jones” in the title of your YouTube livestream, it will automatically be shut down and your channel issued a community guideline strike. #Orwellian.”

It gets worse..now if you talk about Alex Jones and show clips of him on YouTube, you will be punished and risk losing your channel.

Another live podcast on YouTube was shut down and the channel was given a strike for talking about Alex Jones.

YouTube is censoring interviews with Alex Jones and anyone uploading an interview with him will be punished by YouTube.

The H3 podcast had to be filmed offline and uploaded later since YouTube revoked their ability to livestream.

The tech tyrants are going into overdrive as the 2018 midterms approach.

Twitter is targeting pro-Trump accounts for suspension.

On Friday, conservative commentator Gavin McInnes and the Official Proud Boys Twitter accounts were permanently banned from the platform.

The post TECH TYRANNY: YouTube Now Censoring and Punishing Anyone Who Uploads Video of Alex Jones appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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