
The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem Gets Contracted and Funded

- Juli 19, 2018



$21 million. That’s how much the Left’s worst nightmare is going to cost.

Actually, they have a lot of worst nightmares. Everything Trump does counts, I believe.

But I’m speaking specifically of the U.S. Embassy to be installed in Jerusalem.

As reported by ABC News, papers filed with the official database of federal spending show that the State Department has contracted Maryland’s Desbuild Limak D&K to construct $21.2 million worth of “addition and compound security upgrades” to the former consular building in Jerusalem.

Initially, Trump had low-balled the cost of moving from Tel Aviv:

“We’re going to have it built very quickly and very inexpensively. … They put an order in front of my desk last week for a billion dollars. I said, ‘A billion? What’s that for?’ … We’re actually doing it for about $250,000.”

Real estate mogul, my eye!

Later, during a press conference with Angela Merkel (check out another event with her here) in April, The Donald raised the cost to between $300,000 and $400,000.

Not even close, man. You need an abacus?

Admittedly, $21 million isn’t much to him, anyway: he recently offered a million-dollar bet with Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren just to make a point (please see here).


ABC says the government had already spent $300,000 on initial modifications to the former consular building before the embassy’s May opening. That’s in addition to the $21.2 million in upgrades.

As per an official at the State Department, Trump’s $300,000 figure didn’t take into account the renovations’ second phase.

$21.5 million is a lot. But the move recognizes one of our greatest allies’ sovereignty, affirming Israel’s possession of the capital of the kingdom of Israel and the location of the holy Temple (Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in Jewish text; by contrast, there is no reference to it in the Koran). Furthermore, the move is long overdue: Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act in 1995, which required it. The act also deemed Jerusalem the capital of Israel (which still has some problems, including this one). Considering the benefits, perhaps Trump was still right — it’s a small price to pay.

What are your thought on the move, and the expense?

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