
RedState’s Watercooler – Open Thread – July 18, 2018: Nein! German Newspaper Publishes Tips for Avoiding Sexual Assault at the Cemetery

- Juli 18, 2018

How To Act Properly If You Are Sexually Assaulted While Visiting A Cemetery In Germany 

After a young woman was sexually harassed at the main cemetery in Hanau, Germany last week, the local newspaper, Hanauer-Hilfe, published a list of tips that might prevent an assault. The piece is entitled, “Sexual Offense On Main Cemetery: How To Behave Properly.”

Yes, really.

Along with the usual ideas such as dialing 110 and bringing a friend, they suggest yelling “Nein” loudly, while speaking in the courtesy form (using the formal pronoun “Sie” as opposed to the pronoun “du” you would use with someone less familiar).

*Speak loud and clear the NO. Stay in the courtesy form: “Do not do that! What comes to your mind to harass me here (sexually)?” This is where other graveyard visitors will be aware of you.

*Ask other graveyard visitors for help! Example: “Hello you in the red sweater, I am being harassed right here (sexually). Please help me! Call the police!”

Wouldn’t it be much easier just to issue concealed carry permits?


San Francisco Ad-Exec, Matt Rivitz, Unmasked As Founder Of Sleeping Giants  

Sleeping Giants (SG) is a left-wing group that uses social media “mobs” to silence conservative voices. The group organizes social mobs to force advertisers to pull ads from conservative programs. The mystery of Rivet’s identity was solved by Peter Hassan of the Daily Caller.

The group’s modus operandi is consistent throughout its campaigns: use social media in cooperation with other well-funded left-wing groups like Media Matters for America and Think Progress to urge their followers to contact advertisers en masse – expressing their outrage that companies dare advertise with conservatives – until the companies relent and pull their ads. Equally consistent is their goal in organizing these social media mobs: pressure corporate America to blacklist conservative audiences.

Sleeping Giants’ first crusade was to drive Breitbart News from the web, starting in 2016. Despite being unable to do so, the group has branched out into threatening the advertisers of other leading voices on the right like Fox News’s Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. Sleeping Giants also sought to bring pressure on CEOs to drop out of President Donald Trump’s consultative councils. More recently, the group joined with teenage anti-gun rights campaigner David Hogg to try to push conservative icon Laura Ingraham off the FM airwaves and cable news.

Since founding SG in 2016, Rivitz has worked as a copywriter for several San Francisco based advertising agencies including Goodby Silverstein & Partners. Their clients include “BMW, Adobe, and Xfinity, which have all been targets of Sleeping Giants’ boycotts.” But Rivitz insists he was not working there at the time of those campaigns.

When questioned about SG, he says that he is “super proud” of his work and that he only sought anonymity for more than a year and a half because he wanted “to stay anonymous to keep this about the mission rather than the individuals involved.” Another SG member said that, due to the activist nature of their work, and the possible conflict of interest with their employers, he intends to remain anonymous.


Quote of the Day

Barry Goldwater: Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.

As always, this is an open thread!



The post RedState’s Watercooler – Open Thread – July 18, 2018: Nein! German Newspaper Publishes Tips for Avoiding Sexual Assault at the Cemetery appeared first on RedState.


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