
GOP LAWMAKER Calls on Maxine Waters to Resign — Files Papers to Censure (Video)

- Juni 27, 2018

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) introduced a resolution Monday evening to censure and condemn Maxine Waters for her recent incitement to harm and harass members of Trump’s cabinet. 

Rep. Biggs also called on Maxine Waters to resign!

Rep. Andy Biggs said in a press release:

“Individuals have the right to debate their differences civilly, without fear of retribution. Unfortunately, Maxine Waters’ comments condone public violence and encourage actions that jeopardize the safety and security of government officials and the American people. 

“A little over a year ago, we witnessed a horrific shooting targeted at Congressional Republicans. That day, we promised that we would be better; that we would argue about ideas not people.

“Unfortunately, we are returning to the vitriol of that day. Those determined to undermine the progress and agenda of President Donald Trump, have taken it upon themselves to demonize their opposition. As Members of Congress we have the responsibility to lead by example and this rhetoric is simply unacceptable.”

The corrupt and useless “Auntie Maxine” told supporters at a rally over the weekend to verbally assault and harass members of Trump’s cabinet wherever you find them.

Waters incited a violent mob against people in Trump’s cabinet.

Mad Maxine may be in serious trouble.

It is against the law to incite a riot of ten or more people.

And clearly Maxine did just that this weekend.

Here is the US Code 2101 on Riots.

Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch also filed a House ethics complaint against Rep. Maxine Waters Monday for inciting violence against members of Trump’s cabinet.

The GOP lawmaker tweeted out his resolution:

The post GOP LAWMAKER Calls on Maxine Waters to Resign — Files Papers to Censure (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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