Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya speaks to journalists in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, July 11, 2017. Veselnitskaya admits she met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 presidential campaign, but insists that she had no compromising information on Hillary Clinton to offer in contrast to what the email exchange released by Trump’s eldest son suggested. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
Today the Senate Judiciary Committee released the transcript and supporting documents from its hearing/inquiry about the meeting at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016.
This is probably the most overhyped part of an extraordinarily overhyped Russia probe. (FACT: if the head of the Russian SVR had shown up at the meeting and given Donald Trump, Jr., the sex tape of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta rutting like stoats as In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida played no law was broken.)
The background of the meeting was that Rob Goldstone, a British music publicist, approached Donald Trump, Jr., with a proposal to meet with people who had derogatory information on Hillary Clinton. Trump, Jr. agreed to take the meeting. It was set up for June 9, 2016, in Trump Tower. On the campaign side, there was Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort. Arriving to talk to them were Natalia Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin. Both are Russians. Veselnitskaya is connected to the Russian government. Akmetshin is a US citizen who used to be a KGB agent. Both Veselnitskaya and Akmetshin are stringers of Fusion GPS, which is the company that put together the Trump dossier and, to make the stew even tastier, Veselnitskaya met with Fusion GPS founder, Glenn Simpson, before and after the meeting.
Also there were Goldstone; Anatoli Samochornov, a translator for Veselnitskaya; and Ike Kaveladze, who has a business relationship with Goldstone.
I’ll just use Sean Davis’s hard work from here.
Judging by the testimony of participants in the Trump Tower meeting, the whole thing was a nothingburger. Veselnetiskaya said she had dirt on illegal Clinton contributions, Trump Jr. asked for proof, she had none, and everyone lost interest in what she had to say.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
This is the bottom line. Trump, Jr., and Kushner showed up expecting info about Clinton financial shenanigans. Veselnitskaya didn’t have anything and wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act. Everyone lost interest.
The "dirt" Veselnitskaya offered was that a bunch of money from an illegal Russian tax scam was being illegally funneled to the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Trump Jr. asked how that money ended up with the DNC/Clinton. Veselnitskaya's response: "Hell, I don't know."
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
At that point, according to testimony from Rinat Akmetshin (not at all a fan of Team Trump), Donald Trump, Jr., "instantly lost interest."
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
To recap: a shady Russian lawyer working with Fusion GPS set up a meeting with Trump officials to share dirt (which was really just an excuse to whine about the Magnitsky Act). She had no dirt, the Trump officials sniffed that out pretty quick, and everyone moved on.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
There's an unmistakable commonality in so many of these Russian collusion stories: wild and anonymous accusations of treason spark hysteria, then are used to justify law enforcement investigation, then we find out what was reported isn't at all what really happened.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
A fun aside: two of the Russia-connected people in that meeting were quite close with Team Clinton. Rinat Akmetshin is BFFs with Ed Lieberman, whose wife was a long-time Clinton WH staffer, and Ike Kaveldze and his whole family voted for Hillary.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
These transcripts show why all the hysterical "Why didn't the Trump campaign immediately report this meeting to the FBI?" nonsense was so fake and contrived. Because it's obvious Veselnitskaya was blowing smoke and her primary goal was just to whine about the Magnitsky Act. Yawn.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
You can even see this in the notes Manafort took of the meeting. The whole purpose of the meeting was to slime Bill Browder to attack the Magnitsky Act (same w/ the mention of Russian adoptions). Goldstone's promise of Hillary dirt was just a ruse to get the meeting.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
It's no wonder the Democrats on the Judiciary committee refused for months to release all these transcripts: they completely undermine the collusion narrative and the Trump Tower meeting's place in it.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) May 16, 2018
These are the gotcha items from the SecondMostSlappableFaceOnTheInternetTM
Interesting that Don Jr. can't seem to remember Rinat Akhmetshin even being present at the Trump Tower meeting (left, P. 37-38) but Ike Kaveladze makes a point of saying he remembers how surprised he was with Akhmesthin's "highly inappropriate" pink attire (right, P. 49).
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 16, 2018
Ike Kaveladze says that Don Jr. asked Rinat Akhmetshin and Natalia Veselnitskaya "if they got anything on Hillary" during the Trump Tower meeting. (Page 45)
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 16, 2018
P. 26-28: Don Jr. "believes" on the day of the Trump Tower meeting he spoke with Emin Agalarov (this call was also described in House Intel report).
Following that, Don Jr. had a call lasting 4-minutes to a blocked number. Don Jr. couldn't remember to whom he spoke.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) May 16, 2018
And CNN’s big brain weighs in on the latter because Trump, Jr. has consistently maintained he didn’t tell his father about the meeting:
New: Trump Jr talked to Emin Agalarov who arranged Trump Tower meeting then made 11-minute phone call to a blocked number. Trump Jr said he couldn't remember who he called. However, Dems note Corey Lewandowski testified Candidate Trump's primary residence has a blocked number.
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) May 16, 2018
Because only Trump has his phone configured to block their number from being shown.
I really don’t know what anyone was going to come out of this. You can make a case for saying that using information from foreigners is bad; you can’t do that and defend the use of the Trump dossier. You can’t say it is illegal for Trump, Jr., and Kushner to meet with a Russian lawyer and think using Russian intelligence officers as sources for derogatory information on Trump is something to be cheered… well, you can, but then you’d be an idiot.
The post The Transcript From the Trump Tower Meeting Is Just as Underwhelming as We’d Expected appeared first on RedState.