
Rashida Tlaib Defends Hamas Terrorists as They Fire Rockets Into Israel

- Mei 05, 2019

Over the past 36 hours, 600 rockets have fallen on Israel, fired from the Hamas controlled Gaza strip. Reports are scattered right now, but there are numerous videos floating around of the destruction. Several Israelis are confirmed dead.

The attacks are ongoing and in response, Palestinians took the streets last night to celebrate. What exactly they think they are accomplishing worthy of celebration is unclear, well, except of course their rabid anti-Semitism. To many of these people and their leaders, killing Jews is enough, never mind that it’s only sinking them further into desolation.

While political reactions have been sparse, as most Democrats like to avoid this topic, Rep. Rashida Tlaib decided to jump into the fray. This was here response incredibly response. I won’t say surprising because nothing she says really surprises me anymore.

In the midst of a massive attack on Israel by Palestinians, Tlaib rushes to go to bat for Hamas terrorists. She’s also quoting false propaganda by trying to blame Israel for the strikes. Israel did not randomly shoot unarmed people in the Gaza strip on Friday. That’s the kind of made up crap that continues to stoke tensions and she’s peddling in it as a U.S. Congressional member. It’s pretty disgusting.

It’s eye-opening to see someone who claims to represent America and its values defend people that are purposely targeting Jewish civilians in Israel. There’s also a fair bit of irony given the anti-Semitic “dual loyalty” smears she and Ilhan Omar have trafficked in. These two women consistently show they loyalty lies with awful regimes, whether it be Omar defending Maduro or Tlaib defending Hamas. Enough pretending they are anything but anti-American in their worldview at this point.

We’ve reached a place where the insanity is too much to let go. The media need to wake up, get over their bias for a few minutes, and call this stuff out. It’s not normal or acceptable for elected U.S. officials to peddle terrorist propaganda and blame innocent Israelis for having rockets fired at them by Palestinians. Michigan and Minnesota need to wake the heck up and change paths in the 2020 election. These terrorist sympathizers (yeah, I’m going there, they’ve left me no choice) are dangerous and have no business influencing governmental policy.


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