
Just Who Are the Victims of an “All-Out Assault” in California?

- Februari 16, 2018

After a Valentine’s Day immigration sweep in Los Angeles, City Councilman Gil Cedillo said it was obvious the city was enduring an “all-out assault.” I agree, Mr. Cedillo.

Los Angeles, and the rest of California, is enduring an all-out assault conducted by people who value criminality over the rule of law, who place the supposed rights of the illegal alien population over the rights of law-abiding citizens, and who would rather turn a blind eye to drug and human trafficking than allow local law enforcement agents to partner with federal law enforcement.

More than 100 people were detained in Wednesday’s sweep, which is part of a larger campaign designed to apprehend “individuals who pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security,” according to a statement released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Because cities like Los Angeles refuse to work with ICE to rid the community of these public safety threats, federal officials are forced to “focus additional resources to conduct at-large arrests in the community, putting officers, the general public and the aliens at risk and increasing the incidence of collateral arrests.”

One of the main arguments against California’s new sanctuary state policies was that otherwise law-abiding illegal aliens and innocent bystanders would be put at risk if immigration officials were forced to apprehend people out in the community instead of at a secure location like a courthouse or jail.

LA City Councilman Gil Cedillo doesn’t get it, though. He apparently believes that ICE should just turn tail and leave California. The sweeps aren’t designed to increase public safety and enforce the law, in his conspiracy-theory filled mind.

“It’s part of their retaliatory strategy against sanctuary cities who don’t fall in line with their draconian immigration policies. Nothing will keep us from being a sanctuary city, county or state.  [The city is] opposed to blanket ICE raids that endanger individuals who are not targeted for deportation, and without the appropriate warrant. ICE has gone back on its promise to respect sensitive spaces, turning it into an all-out assault on immigrant communities.”

Meanwhile, California’s families are feeling the heartbreaking effects of illegal alien crime and their cries are largely ignored by their elected officials.

For example, the family of Marilyn Pharis, a Santa Maria grandmother who was raped and strangled in her own bed by an illegal alien who had been arrested SIX TIMES in the 15 months before her murder, has been robbed of a beloved family member. To ensure that Pharis wouldn’t survive, her killer, Victor Aureliano Martinez, bashed her skull with a hammer. In addition to the huge loss her family suffered, they also have to live with the knowledge of how she died.

And then there are the four female college students who were raped by an illegal alien who was able to get a driver’s license and drive for Uber. And the families of two Sacramento-area law enforcement officers who were gunned down by an illegal alien who’d been previously deported. And the victims and families of a child sex offender who, thankfully, was picked up at the border when he tried to re-enter the country after being deported.

California’s families have had enough. Don Rosenberg and Agnes Gibboney are “angel parents” whose children were killed by illegal aliens. They are leaders of Fight Sanctuary State, which is preparing a ballot initiative aimed at rolling back sanctuary state laws. Rosenberg believes the empathy California’s elected officials express is misplaced. “The illegal aliens are not victims; they are the perpetrators.”

Because of idiotic policies like those espoused by Councilman Cedillo, murderers, rapists, child sex offenders, human traffickers, drug traffickers, and gang members (like these 12 members of MS-13, all illegal aliens, who’ve been charged with mass murder) are favored and protected at the expense of California’s law-abiding citizens. Cedillo and his comrades believe public opinion is in their favor, but they may soon find there’s a different #TimesUp campaign.

The post Just Who Are the Victims of an “All-Out Assault” in California? appeared first on RedState.


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