Julia Paley, of Arlington, Va., with the DMV Sanctuary Congregation Network, dances with a sign that reads “DACA Don’t Destroy Dreamers Dreams” during a rally supporting Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, outside the White House, in Washington, Monday, Sept. 4, 2017. A plan President Donald Trump is expected to announce Tuesday for young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children was embraced by some top Republicans on Monday and denounced by others as the beginning of a “civil war” within the party. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
The Senate just voted on the last of four immigration bills, this was the Grassley bill that was championed by President Trump. It went down 39-60. Not only did all four bills fail today but the poorest performer was the one that embodied Trump’s guidance for what a bill must have in order for him to sign it.
What next? I’m not a legislative expert. McConnell has said that after this week the Senate has to move on to other business. I expect he’s serious about that. I think the “burn it down” strategy used by the White House to defeat the other bills, as well as some very intemperate/incindiary remarks, allegedly by Stephen Miller, about Lindsey Graham contributed to the poor showing of the Grassley bill even though at least four Democrats voted for it.
**UPDATE: Sen. Graham on DACA/immigration efforts today in the Senate: “As long as people like Steve Miller are in charge at the White House this thing goes nowhere..We’re going to fail today most likely and whether or not we go forward depends on presidential leadership.” @OANN
— Patrick Hussion (@PatrickHussion) February 15, 2018
For our sake, I hope Miller stays where he is because Lindsey Graham would sell his mom to a Turkish whoremonger for an amnesty bill.
I suspect this will hit the back burner, negotiations will continue, and like an H. P. Lovecraft zombie, it will be reanimated at a later date.
The post BREAKING. All DREAMer Bills Fail in the Senate appeared first on RedState.