
Video=> Hillary Clinton Has Message for ‘Activist Bitches Supporting Bitches’

- Januari 27, 2018

Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was seen in a video posted Friday night giving a brief motivational speech for a man operating a cellphone camera that featured her parroting his line encouraging, “activist bitches”

The video was posted by Alex Mohajer to Twitter and shows a rosy-nosed Clinton seated with a woman to her right at what appears to be a restaurant or bar, speaking directly to the man’s cellphone camera, “Hey,everyone. I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for your feminism; for your activism. And all I can hope is you keep up the really important good work.”

Clinton then leans over to better hear over the din a man’s voice asking her, “Can you say, ‘activist bitches supporting bitches?'”

Clinton bursts out laughing and then looks back into the camera to deliver her line, “And let me just say this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches. So let’s go!”

The video then ends with a laughing Clinton turning away from the cellphone camera.

Mojaher posted the video with the comment, “A message “to all the activist bitches supporting bitches” by the inimitable @HillaryClinton.”

Mojaher followed with, “Let’s make #ActivistBitches and #DumpTrump trend tonight! Though personally, I wouldn’t mind a #Hillary2020 hashtag, I know that HRC would prefer we focus on the 2018 midterms. ;-)”

In a response, Mohajer bragged about his disrespect for the office of the presidency, “I have written over 20 articles for HuffPost and 200 articles for http://bros4america.com . The number of times the title “President” has preceded Donald Trump’s name? Zero.”

Mohajer’s Twitter bio reads, “As seen at @Politicon | @HuffPost Political Commentator | @Bros4America Co-Founder/Editor-in-Chief | OUT100 Most Eligible Bachelors 2017 | JD | @UCBerkeley alum”

The post Video=> Hillary Clinton Has Message for ‘Activist Bitches Supporting Bitches’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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