
PHOTOS: RedState at the White House, Christmas Edition

- Desember 15, 2017

Here at RedState we may not have anyone in the White House Press Pool, but we have friends who can finagle access for us to tour 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and see the Christmas decorations. Globetrotting photographer Tania Gail made the arrangements, wisely choosing the absolutely coldest freakin’ day of the year for us to stand outside in a wind-chilled security line at the crack of dawn.

After three or four security checks they let me in the White House despite all the horrible things I’ve written and said about its current occupant. First Lady Melania Trump did a fine job Christmasing up the place.

(These are not the greatest of photographs because we weren’t allowed to bring in real cameras, only cell phones.)

The passage to Narnia.


At the first tree we came to there were iPads set up for visitors to send Christmas messages to the troops. Here, Tania wrote to each troop individually, or so it seemed.


Official White House Christmas Ornament officially performing its official duties.


Tania, mocking the father of our country.


The Red Room Tree is red.


The Blue Room tree was very large. It was decorated with Christmas balls commemorating each of the 50 states. There appeared to be no Chairman Mao or other communist themed ornaments on any of the trees.


I think these trees decorated with icicles and simulated snow were my favorites.


Nativity scene erected in public building. ACLU hardest hit.


Bonus: The University of Pennsylvania  Shabbatones a cappella group was there performing Hanukkah music, complete with beat-boxing.

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