
DNC Lawmakers Hurl Threats at Rand Paul During Filibuster: “Someone Needs to Fly his Neighbor up Here”

- Februari 10, 2018

The Hill reporter Scott Wong overheard a Democrat make threats against Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) last night during his senate filibuster.

In early November Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was physically attacked by neighbor Rene Boucher while mowing his yard.
Boucher ran onto Paul’s property and tackled him in a blindside attack breaking six of his ribs and a pleural effusion.

Senator Paul later suffered pneumonia from the attack.
Boucher was charged with a felony for the blindside attack.

The Hill’s Scott Wong posted this on Twitter last night.

Scott Wong: Lots of lawmakers pissed at @RandPaul right now for holding this budget deal up. “Someone needs to fly his neighbor up here,” says one

And Rep. Charles Dent then legitimized Rand Paul’s neighbor’s vicious attack.

The post DNC Lawmakers Hurl Threats at Rand Paul During Filibuster: “Someone Needs to Fly his Neighbor up Here” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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