The Hill reporter Scott Wong overheard a Democrat make threats against Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) last night during his senate filibuster.
In early November Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was physically attacked by neighbor Rene Boucher while mowing his yard.
Boucher ran onto Paul’s property and tackled him in a blindside attack breaking six of his ribs and a pleural effusion.
Senator Paul later suffered pneumonia from the attack.
Boucher was charged with a felony for the blindside attack.
The Hill’s Scott Wong posted this on Twitter last night.
Scott Wong: Lots of lawmakers pissed at @RandPaul right now for holding this budget deal up. “Someone needs to fly his neighbor up here,” says one
Lots of lawmakers pissed at @RandPaul right now for holding this budget deal up. "Someone needs to fly his neighbor up here," says one
— Scott Wong (@scottwongDC) February 9, 2018
And Rep. Charles Dent then legitimized Rand Paul’s neighbor’s vicious attack.
The post DNC Lawmakers Hurl Threats at Rand Paul During Filibuster: “Someone Needs to Fly his Neighbor up Here” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.