
Megyn Kelly on Sexual Harassment: After 2016 Campaign I Learned Women ‘Have a Long Way to Go’

- Oktober 11, 2017

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” while discussing Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s ever-expanding sexual harassment allegations, NBC’s Megyn Kelly said one of her “main takeaways from 2016” was that we as women had “a long way to go.” Kelly said, “One of my main takeaways from 2016, everything that happened in that campaign, is that we as women have a long way to go, a long way to go. And this is further evidence of that — you know, it’s like how many of these do we have to go through before industries become introspective? Why did the press have to break this? Why wasn’t it someone at the Weinstein Company?” “If they didn’t know, why didn’t they know?” she continued. “How many more do we have to go through? How many women is it happening to right now until we can affect a real sea change? We might be at the beginning of that, but I don’t think we’re even close to the middle.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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