Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services announced on Friday that they would be easing previous rules requiring employers to cover birth control in their employee insurance plans. Unsurprisingly, the “feminist” set lost their ever-loving minds. Not one seems to have any clue as to the difference between not paying for something and banning something.
Enjoy the best of the twitter meltdowns.
Wait…does John Fugelsang think birth control is illegal now?
Dear Anti-Birth Control Christians
When God said 'Be fruitful & multiply' there were 2 ppl.
Now 7 bil.
Mission accomplished. #handsoffmyBC— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 6, 2017
SOMEone is excited about their 280 characters.
Birth control is not health care alone. It's the right of women to control their bodies, plan their families, chart their futures. For many women, it is prohibitively expensive to access the best method for them. It is beyond belief that this is still up for debate. #HandsOffMyBC
— Jan Schakowsky (@janschakowsky) October 6, 2017
Do you want to tell them they’re allowed to buy their own birth control or shop for a plan that covers it? Or should I?
PP was founded on the idea women should control their own bodies. 100 yrs later, we're still fighting for that. We won't stop. #HandsOffMyBC
— Dawn Laguens (@dawnlaguens) October 6, 2017
Duh…babies come from surrogates and beleaguered African nations that will take the money of any rich, famous white woman who doesn’t want to get fat. Everyone knows this.
GOP approves of Viagra, but pulls birth control coverage. Further proof Republicans don’t actually know where babies come from #HandsOffMyBC
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) October 6, 2017
I…I don’t think that it is…unless you have to wait 10 days and undergo a background check for your condoms.
Why is birth control more regulated than weapons? #HandsOffMyBC
— That girl Marcy (@marcybelle424) October 6, 2017
This isn’t the Handmaid’s Tale? That’s not what my tv told me.
.@POTUS is robbing women of access to contraception. This isn’t The Handmaid’s Tale. We must protect American women’s rights. #handsoffmyBC
— Nita Lowey (@NitaLowey) October 6, 2017
Women of color….DRINK!!
This will harm women’s health and economically disempower women, particularly low-income women and women of color. #HandsOffMyBC
— Vanita Gupta (@vanitaguptaCR) October 6, 2017
Nothing is more dignifying than forcing someone else to pay for your sexy-time pills.
We all deserve to have the freedom to live and plan our lives with dignity. #HandsOffMyBC
— HumanRightsCampaign (@HRC) October 6, 2017
Look at this guy! You go, playa!!!!!
I am a man, but I use women's birth control. I don't have to pay for it, or take the pills, but I use it all the same. #HandsOffMyBC
— Hank Green
(@hankgreen) October 6, 2017
Remember when President Trump pledged to force everyone with endometriosis into electroshock therapy? #ScaryTimes
#handsoffmyBC As a woman living with endometriosis I am terrified of my future, because of the current administration.
— Sie Brosius
(@siebrosius) October 6, 2017
Well, this sounds like a logical progression.
More enslavement of women. They can't have birth control, they can't have abortions. Barefoot & pregnant.What's next, burkas? #handsoffmyBC
— Roswell Indivisible (@RoswellIndivis) October 6, 2017
Honestly I could do post another 100 tweets, there’s just such comedy gold on this hashtag right now. But let’s not let the fragile one percenters have the last say. Let’s look at some of the best responses of the day.
No, sweeties. No one is controlling your sexuality. They're just asking that you fund your own uterus. Empowerment! #HandsOffMyBC
— Kimberly Ross (@SouthernKeeks) October 6, 2017
I'm very pro birth control (more should be on it!) but forcing nuns to pay for it? Nah. #handsoffmyBC
— Julie Borowski (@JulieBorowski) October 6, 2017
If you can't afford your sex life, that's a pretty good sign that you shouldn't have a sex life
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) October 6, 2017
Let's play a drinking game. Every time a feminist responds with "but Viagra is covered!", take a shot. We'll be drunk in 5 min#HandsOffMyBC
— Erasmus (@whollyroman) October 6, 2017
Message to #handsoffmyBC whiners:
I don't care if BC granted ppl the ability to fly…payfor
— Wendy Bellevue (@RealWendyBelle) October 6, 2017
The government just took their #HandsOffMyBC
You should be celebrating. Your body, your responsibility ❤️
— Stacey Lennox (@ScotsFyre) October 6, 2017
Hi, #HandsOffMyBC. No one wants your sex pills. We want your hands off our wallets. Trust us, we love that BC prevents you from breeding.
— Calamity J. West (@StevieJWest) November 26, 2013
The post Hysterics Hoedown: The Best of #HandsOffMyBC appeared first on RedState.