Media was set ablaze Wednesday evening after Fox News’ Sean Hannity dropped a bombshell on the Deep State.
Multiple sources told Hannity the DOJ was retrieving the ‘missing’ Strzok-Page text messages.
The Drudge Report had the siren going. This is BIG news considering the key dates these text messages cover; they span from December 14, 2016- May 17, 2017 which is the day Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.
On Thursday another bombshell was dropped on the Deep State.
Inspector General Michael Horowitz told Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) Thursday that the ‘missing’ text messages between Strzok and Page have been located.
This is more bad news for Crooked Hillary so naturally she did her best to distract from the media firestorm. It didn’t work.
Shortly after IG Horowitz revealed the DOJ located the damning ‘missing’ Strzok-Page text messages, Hillary tweeted, “For those of you who don’t know @aminatou, she’s a supremely talented young woman with a terrific podcast, @callyrgf. She is also courageously & gracefully managing a cancer diagnosis. Amina, sending you good vibes post-surgery & sharing your inspiring thread.”
For those of you who don’t know @aminatou, she’s a supremely talented young woman with a terrific podcast, @callyrgf. She is also courageously & gracefully managing a cancer diagnosis. Amina, sending you good vibes post-surgery & sharing your inspiring thread.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 25, 2018
Trump supporters hammered Crooked Hillary.
— Beverly 🇺🇸👍💋👠💪 (@bevroley703) January 25, 2018
#UraniumOne #ReleaseTheMemo #FISAabuse #OBAMAGATE #ClintonFoundation
— i jailed a rothschild (@jessiekUSA) January 25, 2018
DOJ recovers missing text messages between anti-Trump FBI agents Strzok and Page #FoxNews
— RANCHER (@kingressley) January 25, 2018
— Where We Go One, we Go All (@gillard_lillian) January 25, 2018
Think if I was you I would look into getting a good Attorney before they’re all snatched up by your co-conspirators like @Comey @HumaAbedin Mueller so on and so on . @realDonaldTrump #2020HugeWin #ReleaseTheMemo #DumpShep
— Patrick Barker (@patrickgotti) January 25, 2018
Can’t wait to see you behind bars you twisted vile woman.
— Sadie London (@london_sadie) January 25, 2018
#jail #RELEASETHEMEMO #Draintheswamp being from Arkansas I know you should have been in jail along time ago!!! Mine and wife’s job seas
— 2nd gen. fireman (@joeeidson634) January 25, 2018
The post Crooked Hillary Desperately Tries to Distract From Media Firestorm Over Damning Strzok-Page Text Messages – Fails Miserably appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.