
Fauci Proposes Immunity Certificates To Those Who Have Gotten Over Coronavirus

- April 10, 2020

In their latest Big Brother surveillance state proposal, officials are now kicking around the idea of issuing certificates to people who have had COVID-19 and “survived,” thus becoming immune.

Politico reports:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, revealed Friday the federal government is considering issuing Americans certificates of immunity from the coronavirus, as the Trump administration works to better identify those who have been infected and restart the U.S. economy in the coming weeks.

“You know, that’s possible,” Fauci told CNN’s “New Day,” when asked whether he could imagine a time when people across the country carry such forms of identification.

“I mean, it’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people are and not,” he said. “This is something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit, under certain circumstances.”

Immunity certificates are already being implemented by researchers in Germany and have been floated by the United Kingdom and Italy, the most recent epicenter of the global outbreak in Europe.

In parts of China, citizens are required to display colored codes on their smartphones indicating their contagion risk. The controversial surveillance measure facilitated earlier this week the end of the lockdown of Wuhan, the city in China’s central province of Hubei where the novel coronavirus first emerged.

They start talking about this at around the 2:50 mark in the video from the segment:

This is just one of many creepy surveillance ideas that government officials have been considering. Last week a Federal Reserve official said we should all be tested daily and be forced to display a badge showing the test results. Earlier this week, in what looked like a scene out of a dystopian apocalypse movie, New York City began deploying drones that circle around people, barking out orders to observe social distancing policies. In other states, health officials are sharing patient information with law enforcement so they can track who has the virus and who doesn’t.

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