
UPDATE: Rand Paul Fighting to Get Censored Question Asked in Senate Trial; Being Blocked by John Roberts and GOP Leadership

- Januari 29, 2020

Reports filed during the dinner break in the question and answer session in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump Wednesday evening indicate that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is fighting to get his question asked that was refused by Chief Justice John Roberts in the afternoon. The question and answer session involves written questions submitted to Roberts, who is presiding over the trial, who then reads the question aloud. The questions posed to the Democrat House Managers and President Trump’s legal team alternate between Republicans and Democrat senators. Earlier in the day Paul could be heard arguing on the Senate floor to have his question asked.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), file image.

Reports state the question employs the name of the alleged Ukraine whistleblower and that Senate Republican leadership is also opposed to the question.

CNN reporter Phil Mattingly, “Sen. Paul’s question deals with the whistleblower and names the alleged whistleblower, per sources Chief Justice Roberts has, to this point, rejected the question – which he’d have to read. No sense Paul is backing down on asking, likely to be discussed during dinner.”

CNN’s Manu Raju, “GOP sources also said Paul is not pleased after being told by leadership he can’t ask question that would name alleged whistleblower. I asked Thune about this and he said while a lot of Rs have questions about whistleblower: “I suspect that won’t happen,” referring to naming WB”

Politico’s Heather Caygle, “It’s still an ongoing process, it may happen tomorrow,” Sen. Rand Paul tells reports about controversy over his question. He was walking as he said it so much thanks to @igorbobic for sharing his audio with all of us in the back!”

Huffington Post’s Igor Bobic, “Asked about efforts to name the whistleblower during question period, Thune says, “I suspect that won’t happen.”

Yahoo News’ Jon Ward, “The process for Roberts reviewing impeachment trial questions, I’m told by Senate GOP staff, is that he looked at Rand Paul’s question before the session and rejected it then. Believe he got a look at all proposed questions at that point.”

The name of the alleged Ukraine whistleblower, CIA analyst Eric Ciaramella, has been censored by politicians and the media even though, with the exception of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, there is no legal requirement to do so. There is concern that Ciaramella conspired with staff members of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) whom he worked with on the National Security Council to bring about the impeachment of President Trump. Apparently Ciaramella is off limits in the impeachment trial.

The post UPDATE: Rand Paul Fighting to Get Censored Question Asked in Senate Trial; Being Blocked by John Roberts and GOP Leadership appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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