Michael Atkinson
Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes told investigative reporter Sara Carter that Republicans are currently investigating Intel Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.
GOP lawmakers asked Mr. Atkinson to reveal who changed the whistleblower complaint form to allow for second-hand info and office gossip.
“We’ve mentioned it, but I think people have just kind of ignored it because, of course, we don’t have the subpoena power, so we can’t bring Atkinson back in but he’s got serious questions to answer for because I believe that he either lied to Congress or he really needs to correct his statements and he’s refused to respond,” said Nunes, who could not elaborate on Atkinson’s testimony.
Nunes said that Atkinson’s response to their letter was not sufficient.
Atkinson “gave us a very typical IC response, which is to not answer the question,” said Nunes.
“Three years ago, that might’ve worked,” he said. “It doesn’t work with us anymore. He is under active investigation. I’m not gonna go any farther than that because you know obviously he has a chance to come in and prove his innocence, but my guess is Schiff, Atkinson they don’t want that transcript out because it’s very damaging.”
“Being that it hasn’t been made public yet, why would it not be,” Nunes added.
Nunes, R-CA, spoke to this reporter for Monday’s podcast. He revealed that transcripts of Atkinson’s secret testimony will expose that the Inspector General either lied or he needs to make corrections to his statements to lawmakers. The transcripts has been kept from the public by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-CA, because it is damaging to their “impeachment scam,” Nunes said.
“We really do need to hear from the whistleblower,” Nunes told The Sara Carter Show. “That needs to happen and the fact that the Democrats won’t release the transcript of us interviewing the Inspector General Atkinson that brought this scam forward. Everyone needs to see that testimony and the reason that it’s not being released is because it’s very damaging, not only to the whistleblower, but also to Atkinson himself.”
Nunes could not disclose the content of the whistleblower testimony but said “this testimony is really bad and…the Republicans have an active investigation into Atkinson.”
Nunes noted that he, along with Reps. Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent a letter to Atkinson stating that the anti-Trump whistleblower did not offer any direct, first-hand evidence of alleged wrongdoing against Trump. They questioned Atkinson’s reasoning for accepting the complaint that is filled with hearsay and rumor.
CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella filed a whistleblower complaint in August over a July 25 phone call President Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky alleging Trump engaged in quid pro quo and pressured Zelensky to investigate the Biden crime family.
Changes were made to the whistleblower form to include watercooler talk, gossip and second-hand information and ICIG Michael Atkinson defended the changes.
Atkinson admitted in a statement in October that the agency changed its own whistleblower rules *because of the anti-Trump complaint* from CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella.
Although, the form should not have been accepted based on second-hand information and because it was about the President of the United States (who is not in the IC), Atkinson accepted the complaint.
The whistleblower later attempted to edit the form he originally provided.
The original form stated that the whistleblower did not talk to Congress before filing the form but after it was discovered that he had met with Adam Schiff’s team in Congress, the whistleblower attempted to edit his form.
House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff lied when he stated publicly, “we have not spoken directly with the whistleblower.”
Eric Ciaramella, Adam Schiff, Schiff’s staffer Sean Misko and Michael Atkinson should be hauled in before Congress and forced to testify publicly about their latest coup attempt.
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