
Here We Go Again… What BS! – NY Times Claims ‘Russian Hackers From Military Unit GRU Successfully Targeted Burisma Holdings’

- Januari 13, 2020

You know election season is in full swing when the fake news media rolls out the old ‘Russian GRU hackers’ excuse to cover for failing Democrats.

The New York Times is now reporting that Russian hackers from the military unit known as the GRU “successfully” targeted Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that Hunter Biden was paid millions of dollars for as a board member.

“The attacks were successful,” according to a Silicon Valley security firm told the Times.

According to the New York Times, the Russian hackers began targeting Burisma’s servers in November as House impeachment hearings were in full swing.

The paper claims that the hackers were searching for potentially embarrassing material against Joe and Hunter Biden.

“The hacking attempts against Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter Biden served, began in early November, as talk of the Bidens, Ukraine and impeachment was dominating the news in the United States. It is not yet clear what the hackers found, or precisely what they were searching for. But the experts say the timing and scale of the attacks suggest that the Russians could be searching for potentially embarrassing material on the Bidens.”

“The Russian attacks on Burisma appear to be running parallel to an effort by Russian spies in Ukraine to dig up information in the analog world that could embarrass the Bidens,”

The Burisma hack was carried out by Russian GRU officials which coincidentally were the same military officials who supposedly hacked into the DNC servers.

What a coincidence!

Of course we know this report from the Times and the Mueller report are both complete BS.

There is ZERO evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers — ZERO.

US intelligence and law enforcement is now investigating if Russia is targeting Democrat front runner Joe Biden in 2020 election meddling.

Bloomberg reported that according to two officials, the probe is meant to assess whether the Kremlin is working to undermine Biden’s campaign by promoting his corrupt involvement with Ukraine.

Biden’s son Hunter was paid millions of dollars sitting on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company despite having ZERO experience in the field.

A couple weeks ago, without providing any evidence whatsoever, Biden claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ‘spent a lot of money on bots’ to spread lies about him online — and the liberal dolts in the crowd believed him.

“I’ve learned a lot of things in the last few weeks…one was that Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be president – he spent an awful lot of money on so-called bots on the internet trying to tell lies about me,” Biden said.

It looks like the Deep State intel community and Biden are already gearing up for the old ‘Russian interference’ excuse because they know Biden is going to lose in 2020.

The post Here We Go Again… What BS! – NY Times Claims ‘Russian Hackers From Military Unit GRU Successfully Targeted Burisma Holdings’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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