
Disgraced Fired FBI Director James Comey Attacks President Trump and Trump Supporters In WaPo Op-Ed

- Desember 30, 2019

Disgraced fired FBI Director James Comey penned an op-ed published Monday by the Washington Post that bemoans being criticized by President Trump but then goes on to attack Trump as a dangerous, but weakened president. Comey calls Trump a “shrunken, withered figure”. Comey also gets in a cheap shot at Trump supporters, calling them “sad people in red hats.”

Some things a vainglorious man just doesn’t get over.

Comey’s op-ed comes after Trump tweeted about him over the weekend, prompting a reply by Comey. Trump commented on an op-ed by conservative syndicated columnist Adriana Cohen titled “Comey’s Cabal Going Down”. Trump tweeted, “A Dirty Cop at the highest level. Scum!”

Comey responded about ninety minutes later, “I often hear Trump supporters say they don’t pay attention to his tweets. But you must. And ask yourselves whether they reflect the values you want in a president and in America. What he tweets matters. Is that who you are? Is that who you want your kids to be? Don’t look away.”

Comey then sought his revenge against Trump in the pages of the Post.


…At first, the attack is stunning and rocks your world. Waking up to find the president has tweeted that you are guilty of treason or committed assorted other crimes and are a [insert any one of this president’s epithets here] is jarring and disorienting. That’s the first stage, but it doesn’t last.

The second stage is a kind of numbness, where it doesn’t seem quite real that the so-called Leader of the Free World is assailing you by tweet and voice. It is still unsettling, but it is harder to recapture the vertigo of the first assault.

But the longer it goes on, the less it means. In the third stage, the impact diminishes, the power of it shrinks. It no longer feels as though the most powerful human on the planet is after you. It feels as though a strange and slightly sad old guy is yelling at you to get off his lawn, echoed by younger but no less sad people in red hats shouting, “Yeah, get off his lawn!”

…I don’t mean to suggest Trump is not dangerous. The horrific betrayal of allies in northern Syria demonstrates that an impetuous and amoral leader can do great harm, even in shrunken form. And if he succeeds in redefining our nation’s core values so that extorting foreign governments to aid in one’s election is consistent with the oath of office, he will have done lasting damage to this nation — the harm our founders worried about most.

For the fourth, and final, stage, we need to fight through our fatigue and contempt for this shrunken, withered figure. Spurred by the danger he poses to our nation and its values, we have to overcome the shock and numbness of earlier stages…

Comey chose this passage attacking Trump and his supporters to promote his op-ed, “It feels like a strange and slightly sad old guy yelling at you to get off his lawn, echoed by younger but no less sad people in red hats shouting, ‘Yeah, get off his lawn!’”

For added affect the haughty Comey used a photo of himself wagging his finger.

The post Disgraced Fired FBI Director James Comey Attacks President Trump and Trump Supporters In WaPo Op-Ed appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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