
Antifa Thugs Terrorize Anti-Nazi Group, Attack and Rob Pro-Trump Cameraman (VIDEO)

- Desember 11, 2019

A hoard of antifa terrorists were back at it on Saturday, this time in Olympia, Washington, where a Hammerskins rally was set to take place. The Hammerskins never showed up, but a small group of Trump supporters from the Portland area made the trek north to stand with Antifa against the actual white supremacists.

Antifa immediately began threatening and intimidating the Trump supporters.

Antifa run site It’s Going Down reports:

On December 7th, a group of at least 60 assorted antiracists and antifascists in Olympia, Washington held a rally against Nazis at the state capitol. Jason “Gravy” Disimis posted on facebook a few days prior that he was planning his own rally at the capitol building, and we simply could not allow that to happen. Jason Gravy is the owner of Tac Town Tattoo and a member of Crew 38, a Hammerskins-affiliated neo-nazi gang. This weekend also coincided with the anniversary of “martyr’s day,” when Robert J. Matthews, leader of “The Order” white supremacist organization, was killed in a shoot-out with federal authorities on nearby Whidbey Island. Nazis like to commemorate Martyr’s Day with often violent results.

Though the Hammerskins did not show their faces at the Capitol, Portland’s Haley Adams and her crew, in a bizarre twist, announced ahead of time that they were going to come stand shoulder to shoulder with “commies” to fight Nazis. It’s unclear whether they’re that stupid, and this was a sincere attempt, or whether this was yet another convoluted grift. She and her crew were energetically escorted away by a crew of 60 people who didn’t want to hang out with white nationalists. One unsuspecting onlooker described chuckling at the pleasant surprise of watching the fascists get “told to fuck off by a chorus of protesters with drums, vuvuzelas and the like.”

Video by Reggie Axtell:

Hey everyone, so I was filming, six Patriots, including Haley Adams and Alyssa Vinsonhaler, a Portland City Council Candidate, and myself, went to Olympia to counterprotest the planned Hammerskins march today, as we're against Neo Nazis. When we showed up, there were no Hammerskins, but Antifa freaked out and hundreds of them chased the six of us on foot. We can't let this continue. This IS domestic terrorism, this is what Antifa groups want to do to everyone who disagrees with Communism. Full grown men focused not on the men in our group, but on Haley Adams, a woman, and Alyssa, a trans POC. We found refuge in a Patriot's home, but know that Antifa must not be allowed to continue silencing, intimidating, harassing, doxxing, assaulting, sexually assaulting, and even attempting to murder those who disagree with them, mob rule such as they did today must not continue. Arrests were thankfully made. Change is coming, and its time to stop this from happening in Portland. Its time to get Portland back on track. Vote Alyssa Vinsonhaler for Portland City Council.

Posted by Reggie Axtell on Saturday, December 7, 2019

He recounts the altercation:

Hey everyone, so I was filming, six Patriots, including Haley Adams and Alyssa Vinsonhaler, a Portland City Council Candidate, and myself, went to Olympia to counterprotest the planned Hammerskins march today, as we’re against Neo Nazis. When we showed up, there were no Hammerskins, but Antifa freaked out and hundreds of them chased the six of us on foot. We can’t let this continue. This IS domestic terrorism, this is what Antifa groups want to do to everyone who disagrees with Communism. Full grown men focused not on the men in our group, but on Haley Adams, a woman, and Alyssa, a trans POC. We found refuge in a Patriot’s home, but know that Antifa must not be allowed to continue silencing, intimidating, harassing, doxxing, assaulting, sexually assaulting, and even attempting to murder those who disagree with them, mob rule such as they did today must not continue. Arrests were thankfully made. Change is coming, and its time to stop this from happening in Portland. Its time to get Portland back on track. Vote Alyssa Vinsonhaler for Portland City Council.

Here’s a different angle from Haley Adams:

The Olympian reports that one antifa terrorist was arrested.

In the scrum, photographer and videographer Brandon Brown was apparently beaten and robbed of his camera. Antifa describes this as “being relieved of his camera.”

Evidently there was very little in the way of police presence, despite this taking place AT THE CAPITOL BUILDING and at least one cruiser can be seen parked along side the road. No police can be seen in the videos.

A Go Fund Me page has been started to help Brown replace his camera gear:

On Saturday, while filming as an independent journalist, I was assaulted by a mob of ANTIFA protesters. I was in Olympia, Washington to cover the publicized Nazi Hammerskins rally and ANTIFA counter protest for a photo journalism project. The rally turned out to be a hoax. No Nazis showed up.

With no Nazis to battle against, the 60 or so mostly masked ANTIFA protesters turned their wrath on 5 members of “Portland’s Liberation”, a conservative/libertarian group who had also come to protest against the Nazi Hammerskins.

As I filmed this menacing behavior, ANTIFA protesters aggressively turned on me. One of my cameras was knocked to the ground by the angry mob. I was struck by approximately 20 different people before they were able to break the Go Pro mount I was holding on to and wrestle my Lytro illum out of my hands eventually breaking the strap that was wrapped around my wrist. They smashed my glasses and caused injury to my left eye, requiring a hospital visit. The diagnosis is that the vitreous of my left eye is detached deformed and appears granular from trauma. It will require follow up care.

Stolen were my “Go Pro Hero 6” and my “Lytro Illum” light field camera I did also lose the two large memory cards inside, which contained important interviews that I can’t get back.\

I thank anyone who is considering taking part in making me whole again so I can get back to work. A special thank you to Elijah Schaffer for suggesting I set this up.

It’s encouraging to see the amount of support the conservative journalist community has shown me and others that have been through similar attacks. There’s a real sense that we are in this together trying to document this dangerous militant group.

The post Antifa Thugs Terrorize Anti-Nazi Group, Attack and Rob Pro-Trump Cameraman (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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