
WOW! #FakeNews NY Times Openly Lies and Buries IG Report’s Revelation of Obama FBI Spy TARGETING and MEETING WITH Trump Campaign Official

- November 27, 2019

One thing we all learned in the last three years — NEVER, EVER trust The New York Times with the truth.

The New York Times published its latest leaks from the upcoming IG Report on the Obama Administration FISA abuse during the 2016 election.

The New York Times headline on Wednesday stated the “Review is Expected to Undercut Trump Claim of FBI Spying

The New York Times then goes on to discuss what was found in the investigation of FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election.

And it’s not until you get to the 14th paragraph where The New York Times admits the FBI had a spy targeting and meeting with Trump campaign official George Papadopoulos.

This completely contradicts their headline!?!

Mr. Trump and his allies have pointed to some of the investigative steps the F.B.I. took as evidence of spying, though they were typical law enforcement activities. For one, agents had an informant, an academic named Stefan A. Halper, meet with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos while they were affiliated with the campaign. The president decried the revelation as an “all time biggest political scandal” when it emerged last year.

The F.B.I. did have an undercover agent who posed as Mr. Halper’s assistant during a London meeting with Mr. Papadopoulos in August 2016. And indeed, another Trump adviser, Peter Navarro, reportedly pushed Mr. Halper for an ambassadorship in the Trump administration.

Mr. Halper turned down the job and told the F.B.I. that Mr. Navarro had made the overture, according to a person familiar with the offer.

This completely contradicts the paper’s headline.

The post WOW! #FakeNews NY Times Openly Lies and Buries IG Report’s Revelation of Obama FBI Spy TARGETING and MEETING WITH Trump Campaign Official appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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