
White House Blasts Liar Adam Schiff For Making Up Fake Quotes From President Trump… AGAIN! (VIDEO)

- November 19, 2019

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) once again invented fake quotes from President Trump on Tuesday during his Soviet-style show trial.

On Tuesday NSC leaker Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Jennifer Williams testified on day 3 of the Adam Schitt Schiff Show.

Schiff has nothing on Trump so he has to fabricate quotes to make Trump sound like a criminal.

“What does the president say? I want you to investigate the Bidens and this debunked conspiracy theory pushed by Vladimir Putin that also helps my reelection,” Schiff said quoting President Trump.

President Trump said nothing of the sort, but what should we expect from the serial liar Adam Schiff?

The White House blasted “Shifty Schiff” for inventing fake quotes from Trump.


Schiff previously fabricated Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a congressional hearing.

President Trump immediately came out and said Schiff defrauded the American people and should be prosecuted for reading a fake transcript of his call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to during a congressional hearing.

“He took my congenial and gentle words and he made me sound like a tyrant — it’s a terrible thing,” Trump said to reporters at the White House last month.

“He defrauded the American public. I mean honestly, I don’t know what can happen, but there are those that say he should be prosecuted for what he did,” Trump added. “He should be prosecuted and I think he is a very bad leader for this movement.”

Not only did Schiff fabricate President Trump’s words, he also knew of CIA snitch Eric Ciaramella’s allegations against Trump before CIAramella filed the whistleblower complaint.

Schiff broke the House rules when he withheld the classified information from the Minority members (such as Devin Nunes) yet he still has not faced any consequences.

The post White House Blasts Liar Adam Schiff For Making Up Fake Quotes From President Trump… AGAIN! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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