
LEAK: DOJ IG Found No Evidence FBI Placed Undercover Agents and Informants Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign

- November 27, 2019

Michael Horowitz

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release his much-anticipated report on FISA abuses on December 9 and the Deep State is leaking to the New York Times to spin, spin, spin.

The New York Times leaked out a portion of Horowitz’s report on Wednesday alleging the IG found no evidence that the FBI “attempted to place undercover agents or informants inside Donald J. Trump’s campaign in 2016 as agents investigated whether his associates conspired with Russia’s election interference operation.”

This determination is expected to be Horowitz’s “key finding” in his report along with claims that the FBI showed no political bias when they sought FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.


Horowitz, an Obama-appointee, however did find that FBI lawyer Keven Clinesmith who text messaged “viva le resistance” altered an email in connection with Carter Page’s FISA application.

Mr. Clinesmith is facing a criminal investigation for altering a document related to the Page wiretaps.

The entire ‘Trump-Russia’ investigation began when mysterious people approached Trump foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos in the Spring of 2016 alleging the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton.

Australian diplomat Alexander Downer met with Papadopoulos in a London pub to plant dirt on the Trump advisor — Downer was then relaying information back to his counterparts who were then communicating with FBI agents.

Papadopoulos was approached by a Maltese professor named Joseph Mifsud, another shady informant named Stefan Halper along with his honeypot “Azra Turk.”

Horowitz’s report will also claim that Mifsud is not an FBI informant, despite Papadopoulos’s claims to the contrary.

Stefan Halper, who contacted Papadopoulos and met up with him twice, was working as an FBI informant to collect information for the FBI’s ‘Russia investigation.’

Halper’s honeypot “Azra Turk” who point blank asked Papadopoulos if Trump’s campaign was working with the Russians was also reportedly working for the FBI — although Papadopoulos insists she was CIA.

In an interview with conservative columnist Byron York, Papadopoulos described his encounters with Mifsud, Halper, Azra Turk and Downer as highly suspicious and asserted their actions, as far as recording him with their phones were comical.

Papadopoulos said they acted like “Keystone Cops” and were incredibly sloppy as they attempted to record him.

Horowitz’s most ridiculous conclusion is that the FBI did not rely on information to open their investigation from former British spy Christopher Steele.

Via the New York Times:

The report is also expected to debunk another theory of Trump allies: that the F.B.I. relied on information to open the investigation from a British former spy, Christopher Steele, himself a onetime bureau informant who compiled a dossier of damaging, unverified information on Mr. Trump.

The F.B.I. did cite the dossier to some extent to apply for the wiretap on Mr. Page. The inspector general will fault the F.B.I. for failing to tell the judges who approved the wiretap applications about potential problems with the dossier, the people familiar with the draft report said. F.B.I. agents have interviewed some of Mr. Steele’s sources and found that their information differed somewhat from his dossier.

Mr. Horowitz plans to say that the wiretap application, which referenced Mr. Papadopoulos, should have also included a statement he made to the undercover agent in London that could be seen as exculpatory or self-serving, the people familiar with the draft report said. Mr. Papadopoulos said at the time that he had nothing to do with Russia and knew no one else who did, he recounted in a book he has written.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified under oath that if not for the phony, Hillary-funded Russia dossier, the FBI would never have sought a FISA warrant on Carter Page.

Make no mistake, the FBI obtained wiretaps on Carter Page to spy on Trump and his campaign because it allowed the bureau to spy on several people connected to the subject (Page) of the wiretap.

US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham is currently conducting his own criminal investigation into the origins of Russiagate and unlike Horowitz, Durham has the power to indict and impanel a grand jury.

Horowitz is scheduled to publicly testify about his FISA abuse report to the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 11.

The post LEAK: DOJ IG Found No Evidence FBI Placed Undercover Agents and Informants Inside Trump’s 2016 Campaign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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