
Iranians Around the World Show Solidarity with their Suffering Brothers and Sisters in Iran, while Barack Obama and his Team Remain Silent

- November 26, 2019

By Editors of The Free Iran Herald 

Now bringing you daily updates on the events unfolding in Iran

On Sunday, Iranian diaspora all across the globe gathered in their respective cities. They rallied in support of their compatriots inside Iran, amplifying their voices and called on the global community to hold the Islamic regime in Iran is held accountable for its crimes against humanity.

Los Angeles, home of the largest Iranian community outside Iran, of course had the biggest demonstration.

In Washington, Iranians appealed to President Trump from outside the White House gates.

In Toronto, Canada, Iranians called on the recently re-elected government of Justin Trudeau, who in the past has appeased Tehran, to finally declare the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist group.

Canadian Jews also joined with Iranians in solidarity.

In London, not only did Iranians protest, but Iraqis also came to stand against the regime’s atrocities in their country.

In Berlin, LGBTQ Iranians took a stand against one of the most viciously homophobic regime on Earth.

There were even demonstrations as far away as New Zealand.

However, in the growing chorus of international voices condemning Tehran’s regime, which includes many of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, one man has notably remained silent: Barack Obama. The man who saved the Khomeinist regime twice.  

The first time was in 2009, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama turned his back on Iranian protesters, though he did exactly the opposite when it came to supporting popular uprisings in Libya and Egypt. The Obama administration specifically avoided providing an honest report on human rights abuses in Iran (noted as the longest ever delay in providing congress a report), so as not disturb any progress in their nuclear deal basically gave Tehran’s authorities the carte blanche they needed to persist in their human rights violations.

The second time was in 2015, Obama returned frozen assets that belonged to the people of Iran to the Khomeinist leaders in order to save them it from bankruptcy via the JCPOA.

Meanwhile, not a single member of Obama’s team that negotiated the JCPOA has made a statement regarding the recent protests. Neither Obama’s closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett (born in Iran to African-American parents), nor former national security advisor Susan Rice, or lead JCPOA negotiator Wendy Sherman, or former energy secretary Ernest Moniz, or national security strategist Benjamin Rhodes, have expressed any concern that the dictatorship they strengthened has yet again brutalized its people. Nor has any major media outlets tried to elicit comments from them either. As journalist Eli Lake described it, “Obama from the beginning of his presidency tried to turn the country’s ruling clerics from foes to friends. It was an obsession.”

In fact, former Secretary of State John Kerry, friend and JCPOA partner of Tehran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif, has also kept mum about the protests. Kerry went so far as to flee rather than face questioning about the Iranian protests when Masih Alinejad, a noted Iranian journalist and women’s rights advocate, encountered him by chance on a Washington, D.C street.

Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications, has also worked hand in glove with the Khomeinist regime’s DC based lobby, NIAC (the National Iranian-American Council), and has never been shy about defending the Islamic regime’s modus operandi on all fronts, from their human rights violations to their terror proxy groups. And of course, now, Rhodes, who has been persistently active on twitter, in defending Tehran has not made a single comment about the events in Iran.

Senators John Cornyn, John Barrasso, Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton

On the other hand, seven Republican senators, namely Ted Cruz, John Barrasso, John Cornyn, Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, Marsha Blackburn, and Tom Cotton, have sent an open letter to President Trump asking him to help the Iranians people gain full and unfettered Internet access, and to punish those who are blocking the web inside Iran.

Security forces in Iran have begun a dragnet throughout hospitals all across the country, where wounded protesters seeking medical attention for their injuries are being arrested following treatment and taken away to prison. As a result many wounded protestors are staying home in order to avoid being arrested.

Those already detained are warning that officials are preparing for quick and mass executions.

More video testimonies are still emerging of the carnage that took place last week.

Among them were photos of perhaps the youngest victim of the IRGC, 14-year old Nikta Esfandani.

In Shiraz, local officials have confirmed that rocket propelled grenades and explosives were used against crowds of demonstrators by the IRGC, and that an Iranian army commander, Zabibhollah Bahman-Ziyari, was killed by them after he refused to fire on civilians.

Reporters Without Borders today issued a statement condemning Tehran’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hamid Baeidinejad, for threatening exiled Iranian journalists who were reported about the protests. Iran-based relatives of those journalists have already been arrested as a means of blackmailing them and suppressing reportage.

The regime, for the present, continues its path of interfering in, and attempting to dominate other countries. Today, regime officials held a session with representatives of Bashar Assad’s Syrian regime to discuss a housing project in Syria – another example of Tehran wasting Iranians’ funds on foreign adventures. Iranians are already saying that the additional revenues the regime is earning from the higher gasoline prices will be spent on reinforcing its weakening positions in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.

Today was also the International Day for Ending Violence Against Women. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used this occasion to again speak out in support of the struggle of Iranian women for freedom and basic human dignity.

Despite mounting international awareness however, Tehran’s authorities persist in terrorizing Iranians into reticence. Scenes like this, a public prayer held by the plainclothes assassins, openly displaying their weapons is one way to ensure hesitation on the part of the protesters.

The post Iranians Around the World Show Solidarity with their Suffering Brothers and Sisters in Iran, while Barack Obama and his Team Remain Silent appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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