
Trump Campaign’s Third-Quarter Fundraising Haul Is Absolutely Mind-Blowing

- Oktober 01, 2019

Amid all the impeachment fever, perhaps Democrats have awoken a sleeping giant?

We have already heard about how much money the Trump campaign was able to bring in post Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry announcement. Over $5 million was raised in just 24 hours. But apparently that wasn’t a fluke or just one emotional day. His campaign just announced their third-quarter fundraising totals and they are absolutely mind-blowing.

By comparison, Barack Obama and the DNC raised around $70 million in the same quarter before his re-elect campaign. Trump nearly doubled that. Hillary Clinton, even with all her huge donors in 2016, didn’t have numbers like this.

That’s an interesting thought. We are assured that the enthusiasm is of the 2020 raise resides with Democrats, yet the DNC’s fundraising has fallen flat compared to their Republican counterparts. Meanwhile, polling is also showing that Republicans are more energized than ever to vote. Are these fundraising totals more proof of that? I think it’s pretty indicative, especially given how much of this came from small donors.

With that said, is money really that important? I think the answer is yes and no. It’s going to be really key in getting the ground game going early and effectively. It’ll also allow the RNC to put a lot of cash into some of these Congressional races Democrats are taking for granted. These are advantages Trump will absolutely need to have in order to have the best shot at re-election in the current environment. While it won’t show up in fundraising totals, the legacy media are going to shovel billions of in-kind campaign contributions into the coffers of whatever Democrat is the nominee. Trump was outspent in 2016 and lived off of unearned media, so it’s definitely important.

I guess the best way to describe what we are seeing is that it can’t hurt. It’s never a disadvantage to have the most money and the best ground game. That won’t win an election on its own, but it helps. Impeachment will likely only energize the right more and pour more money on Trump’s head. Democrats should be very careful how they treat the next six months. They already appear to be overplaying their hand and it could get really bad for them if they miscalculate. Trump seems to be betting on that happening though and it’s a dang good bet.


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