
New Report Reveals Climate Change Protesters Are Being Paid, May Be in Trouble Because of It

- Oktober 23, 2019

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We’ve been bringing you some of the outrageous actions of the climate change gang, particularly Extinction Rebellion, the group that has been incredibly annoying to the general populace in London and who has flexed their ability to annoy in the United States as well.

In San Francisco, they linked hands and blocked traffic on both sides of the intersection at Gates Avenue near the University of San Francisco. Ironically, their actions were causing more carbon emissions while antagonizing commuters.

A gentleman in scrubs did not take kindly to them preventing him from getting to work. He let them know by ripping their banner out of their hands and tossing it over a fence.

Activists allegedly from the group got tossed out of a Long Beach, California In-N-Out Burger, screamed with bullhorns in the face of the poor employees and then found themselves in trouble with the police.

But now, the Daily Mail has dropped a big report on the group.

Turns out all that crazy is not free. And that could spell big trouble for them.

According to the Daily Mail, some of the Extinction Rebellion people are being paid to protest.

The Daily Mail is reporting some of the leaders have been paid up to £400 (about $515) per week to lead the protests, with payments for four months to protesters totaling more than £70,000 (about $90,053).

While most of the protesters are unpaid, many are paid according to records the Mail saw.

The records show payment requests from 168 people, enabling some people to be able to give up their other jobs and dedicate their time to the group.

Activists have been paid more than £200,000 since the start of the scheme;
The cost of the payments is increasing by ‘at least £40,000 a month’;
Activists are targeting ‘high net worth individuals’ for more funds;
They spent £5,000 on a camping tour of Europe for key members.
The revelations come as the number of activists arrested in the current XR protests approaches 1,300.

A document entitled Finance Policy And Processes seen by this newspaper in a ‘work in progress’ version states: ‘The maximum claim for volunteer living expenses is £400 a week (or £200 for someone volunteering part-time). No more should be claimed than a volunteer needs to cover basic living expenses.’

The document states that claims ‘may cover a maximum period of four weeks’, but adds: ‘Further applications may be made to cover additional periods of time.’

One of the people allegedly being paid is Tamsin Osmond, the granddaughter of a baronet, who goes by the gender-neutral pronoun Mx, instead of Mr. or Mrs.

One big problem, however, is that the group hasn’t paid any taxes and an MP has called for an investigation into the group.

‘These self-appointed, holier- than-thou guardians of the planet may think they are somehow above the law but they are not. What’s needed now is a root-and-branch investigation of how this organisation operates, starting with an immediate inquiry into its tax affairs. I shall be writing to HMRC tomorrow to demand nothing less.’

HMRC is Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, which is responsible for collecting taxes.

Documents the Mail viewed shows that Extinction Rebellion was itself concerned about whether it might have tax issues and problems from not providing national insurance.

A document dated August 13, 2019 addresses the fear that HMRC is likely to ‘crawl all over us’ and that in ‘the worst case scenario’ the sum payable, including fines, is ‘probably in the range £150,000 to £200,000’. Plans have been drawn up to remind volunteers that they are responsible for their own tax affairs.

Publicly however, after questions were raised, they group claimed they had no concerns.

‘We have sought professional advice on financial support and expenses to volunteers. That advice is that in most cases no tax is payable and, where it is, those of us who receive financial support or expenses will be advised to declare income in our tax returns.

‘From the advice we received it doesn’t look like we’ll have a liability to HMRC. It is our aim to be free from hierarchy.’

Hopefully the tax folks come after them, big time.

But what this also shows is that these folks were not just doing this out of conviction. If you wondered how they had the ability to do this all the time, did they work? This is their work. Imagine getting paid for embarrassing yourself like this.

The post New Report Reveals Climate Change Protesters Are Being Paid, May Be in Trouble Because of It appeared first on RedState.


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