
Larry C. Johnson: ‘Honey Badger’ Attorney Sidney Powell Announces Breakthrough in DOJ Case Against General Flynn

- Oktober 24, 2019

Another shoe dropped this week and it ain’t looking good for the Mueller legacy. General Michael Flynn’s lawyer, the Honey Badger Sidney Powell, filed on Wednesday (23 October) a formal request that Judge Sullivan order the publication of Flynn’s Reply to the Government’s Opposition to the Motion to Compel. To briefly recap–Sidney Powell filed a motion (see my piece about Michael Flynn’s motion to compel production of Brady material). The DOJ lawyers went nuts and behaved like a crazed Pee Wee Herman (see here) and insisted they did not need to produce anything.

The Government lawyers argument was simple and moronic–i.e., they said that because Flynn pled guilty to a charge where the Government knew he had not lied bur insisted he was still guilty. Stupid logic like this is, I believe, one of the reasons the average person hates lawyers.

Sidney Powell has prepared a response to the Government’s rebuttal and agreed to edit out some portions that mentioned names or referred to specific classified info. But the Government lawyers are trying to stonewall her and prevent her response from going public. Here’s what the Honey Badger wrote explaining the Government misconduct:

Mr. Flynn filed his Reply to the Government’s Opposition to the Motion to Compel by noon on October 22, 2019, completely under seal because of its minimal references to materials produced under the Protective Order. The defense expected it could quickly resolve the issue with government counsel given the government’s previous redactions of the Motion to Compel.

We advised the prosecution on Saturday, October 19, 2019, of every document the defense intended to cite that was produced under the Protective Order and requested the government approve them to be unsealed. Shortly after filing the Reply yesterday, counsel for Mr. Flynn sent the government a copy of the brief with light redactions that mirrored those redactions the government made in the original Motion to Compel. Counsel requested that the government propose any further redactions so the brief could be quickly filed for the public—preferably by the close of business on October 22. Ex. 1.

The government replied that it “would request more redactions beyond” what the defense proposed, but it provided no reason whatsoever. Given that the government has not provided defense counsel any classified information, this seems inexplicable. The defense also requested that the government promptly provide a copy with all its requested redactions, and it has not. The proposed redacted Reply the defense attaches here under seal includes redactions of the names the government previously redacted and all quotations of any material covered by the Protective Order.1

In a nutshell, the corrupt Government lawyers appear to be engaged in an Olympic level of ass covering. The items that Honey Badger Powell has in hand and wants to release are likely to destroy the Government’s case against General Flynn.

And on Wednesday night Sidney Powell announced a breakthrough in the General Flynn case.

The Mueller prosecutors who railroaded General Flynn never counted on being confronted by the likes of the steely woman from Texas, Sidney Powell. She is a genuine Honey Badger. The following video will educate those who know nothing of the Honey Badger.

The post Larry C. Johnson: ‘Honey Badger’ Attorney Sidney Powell Announces Breakthrough in DOJ Case Against General Flynn appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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