
“If There Is Any Integrity Left in the DOJ at all, They Will Dismiss Outrageous Case Against General Flynn” – Attorney Sidney Powell Speaks Out for General Flynn (VIDEO)

- Oktober 25, 2019

General Michael Flynn’s Attorney Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs on Friday night following the release of her court filing in the Flynn case on Thursday.

Sidney Powell released a number of pages of information that are totally damning to Obama’s Deep State actors and villains. We know that the 302 was doctored by Lisa Page per prior notes from Powell and now we know that the 302 was doctored by adding an entire question and answer of the General that was later used to criminally indict him.

In addition, Powell’s filing with the court released tonight shows that Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper was involved in leaking the General’s discussion with Russian Kislyak before President Trump’s 2017 Inauguration!

The documents Powell released on Thursday show a dishonest cabal of corrupt officials in the Obama deep state intent on breaking every rule or code of ethics to set up General Flynn in 2017.

On Friday Sidney Powell told Lou Dobbs that Judge Sullivan will not like that the government withheld evidence in their case against General Michael Flynn.

Sidney Powell: Well the Obama Administration and the Comey FBI completely perverted any sense of justice here with the assistance of the Department of Injustice as we shall call it for the time being. That has got to be rectified. We have to remember that Judge Sullivan has only recently started to see the real facts in this case. He didn’t know any of this until I filed it yesterday. And the first glimpse he saw of it was when I first came into the case in the summer. So this is all new to him. We have a hearing on November 7th in which he will decide something on the basis of the motions that we just filed. And I think it could be quite stunning because he does not like it when the government does not produce all the exculpatory evidence the defense is entitled to. And here we have documented time and time again where they have failed to do that… I think if there is any integrity left in the US Attorney from the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice at all, they will themselves they will move to dismiss this outrageous case against General Flynn before November 7th.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

The post “If There Is Any Integrity Left in the DOJ at all, They Will Dismiss Outrageous Case Against General Flynn” – Attorney Sidney Powell Speaks Out for General Flynn (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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