Screenshot from this video.
The climate change activists of the group “Extinction Rebellion” have been about trying to save the planet over the past few days.
Were they picking up trash? Doing clean up at the ocean?
They were throwing a “Climate Strike” in London during which they were doing interpretive dance, yoga and just downright weird things. Daily Wire caught a lot of the action.
Note all the plastic tents used to block the streets and cause cars to spew more carbon emissions into the air.
Climate change activists persist with their protests in London as they demand that the UK government shorten the window to reduce greenhouse gas emissions pic.twitter.com/9CixttHhhu
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) October 9, 2019
Climate change protesters clash with police in London as they demand more action to protect the environment pic.twitter.com/W5oEiQXEvF
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) October 9, 2019
Check out all the yoga mats made with fossil fuels:
In case your wondering the #ExtinctionRebellion yoga on Westminster Bridge is still going on. They really really like their yoga. pic.twitter.com/R8YSedMOgy
— James Bickerton (@JBickertonUK) October 7, 2019
Imagine if “environmentalists” stopped dancing & screaming & blocking traffic & twerking and used their pent-up unemployed energy to just actually clean up garbage on the side of the road for once.
What a better world we would have.
Instead — they do this pic.twitter.com/FNe3iJfEyT— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 9, 2019
I’m sure people gave up their fossil fuel use after this:
Persuasive arguments for climate change action
— David Vance (@DVATW) October 9, 2019
This scared me more than a little:
Extinction Rebellion – Day 3 pic.twitter.com/RxRNukO8IB
— Mike Nayna (@MikeNayna) October 9, 2019
No idea what’s going on here:
Honestly just trying to get to the pub … #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/7HcjOZMQdN
— Emily Hewertson (@emilyhewertson) October 9, 2019
There were diesel generators in vicinity seemingly powering the camps there, although Daily Wire didn’t confirm they were for the group.
Hypocrites absolute Hypocrites. #ExtinctionRebellion camp in London using a diesel generator for power. Did they think the pallets made it invisible and soundproof
— James Deegan MC (@jamesdeeganMC) October 8, 2019
But some of the group did make it to McDonald’s. Apparently no one told them about the bad plastic use and the horrible meat eating that contributes to killing the planet.
Spotted in Westminster: Extinction Rebellion protesters queuing for lunch at… McDonalds.
You. Couldn’t. Make. This. Stuff. Up. If. You. Tried. pic.twitter.com/cqSr95BG3s
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) October 7, 2019
And how much water was wasted cleaning up this ridiculous stunt? Did they pollute with whatever they used?
But it’s a great racket. According to one account, Extinction Rebellion is raking in close to $50,000 a day.
The post Hilarious: Here’s How Climate Change Gang Is Saving the Planet appeared first on RedState.