
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide

- September 30, 2019

Nancy Pelosi is neck deep in Ukraine politics.  Her legislative aide, Ivanna Voronovych, is from the Ukraine and is connected to the Ukrainian Embassy, the Ukrainian military, the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian party life.

Young Ivanna Voronovych was a party girl in the Ukraine and somehow managed to make her way into a position as a Legislative Aide to Nancy Pelosi –

Young Voronovych started her career working at the US Embassy in the Ukraine in Kiev.  She worked for Roman Woronowycz, the Kiev Bureau Chief, who is connected to Nancy Pelosi.   As a matter of fact, he is a fan of Pelosi’s.  Woronowycz is well connected with with the US Congress as can be seen from the picture below where he was given a tour of the Capital by Voronovych before reportedly meeting up with Pelosi, Schumer and others.  He once posted, “Tell Nancy to keep up the good work!”  (What is he referring to here?)

Voronovych’s parents are well connected.  Her mom worked with the Ukrainian Army, and even received the Ukraine Order of Merit for military and political activity.  Yoronovych’s father worked in the Ukrainian Foreign Service and he’s also connected to the Ukrainian government.

Voronovych is no friend of President Trump – distributing anti-Trump propaganda about the Trump balloon in London  –

Why is this girl on Pelosi’s staff?  Why does Pelosi have a Ukrainian party girl whose parents are connected to the Ukrainian military and government on her staff?  What is going on here?

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi NECK DEEP in Ukraine – Female Ukrainian Party Girl Connected to Military and Government is Her Legislative Aide appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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