
BREAKING: Australian Ambassador’s May 2019 Letter to AG Bill Barr DESTROYS, DEBUNKS Latest NY Times Smear Job on President Trump

- September 30, 2019

According to a leak to the New York Times, President Trump “pushed” the Australian Prime Minister during a recent phone call to help AG Barr gather information that could potentially discredit Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

The New York Times went on to say, “[T]he discussion with Prime Minister Scott Morrison of Australia shows the extent to which Mr. Trump sees the attorney general as a critical partner in his goal to show that the Mueller investigation had corrupt and partisan origins, and the extent that Mr. Trump sees the Justice Department inquiry as a potential way to gain leverage over America’s closest allies.”

A letter from Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey written to Attorney General Bill Barr back in May of this year destroys the latest New York Times smear job on President Trump.

The Australian Ambassador back in May acknowledged that President Trump announced that Bill Barr will be conducting an investigation into the origins of Spygate and offered Barr assistance.

Mr. Hockey, in a May 28 letter to Bill Barr said: “The Australian government will use its best endeavors to support your efforts in this matter. While Australia’s former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, The Hon. Alexander Downer, is no longer employed by the Government, we stand ready to provide you with all relevant information to support your inquiries..”

The Justice Department is currently investigating the origins of Russiagate/Spygate — according to Mueller’s report, a “foreign government” (Australia?) is what prompted the FBI to “open an investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with the Russian government in its interference activities.

The FBI-Deep State-Mueller ‘Trump-Russia’ investigation was supposedly sparked by a conversation Trump foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos had with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer in a London pub in the Spring of 2016.

FBI informant Joseph Mifsud tried to plant dirt on Papadopoulos by telling him the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s emails. The fake news narrative claims Papadopoulos then bragged to Alexander Downer that he heard the Russians had dirt on Clinton — Downer then shared this information from Papadopoulos with fellow Australian officials.

Attorney General Bill Barr and US Attorney John Durham traveled to Italy to meet with Italian government officials on Friday, and according to a report by the Washington Post, Barr asked the Italians to assist Durham.

So the Obama Administration is allowed to unleash foreign governments to spy on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, but Trump, as president of the United States isn’t allowed to speak to foreign leaders in order to ferret out corruption.

There is nothing wrong with President Trump reaching out to our allies and asking for help in getting to the bottom of corruption but in this case Australia reached out Bill Barr several months ago and offered assistance.

The post BREAKING: Australian Ambassador’s May 2019 Letter to AG Bill Barr DESTROYS, DEBUNKS Latest NY Times Smear Job on President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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