
Biden Suffers A Denture Malfunction During Debate; When Will Democrats End Biden’s Public Humiliation?

- September 15, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks with reporters after a campaign stop at Lindy’s Diner in Keene N.H., Saturday, Aug. 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)


During Thursday night’s Democratic debate, ABC’s John Muir questioned former Vice President Joe Biden about failed gun control legislation in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Massacre in Newtown, CT. Muir asked, “If you couldn’t get it done after Sandy Hook, why should voters give you another chance?”

What followed was a series of peculiar mouth movements and several slurred words as he struggled to adjust his dentures which appeared to have come lose. Another public humiliation for the “only candidate who can beat Donald Trump.”

Biden’s latest cringeworthy moment quickly went viral on social media along with captions such as “Joe Biden’s teeth doing their best to jump right out of his mouth” and “Wait for it… Did Biden lose his teeth for a moment before trying to enforce his stance on #guncontrol?”

The fact that Biden’s dentures came loose, in and of itself, is meaningless. However, as episodes which remind of us Biden’s age and possible mental impairment continue to pile up, one wonders how long the Democrats will allow this to continue.

The former vice president has always been gaffe prone, but his recent blunders go well beyond gaffe territory and the sheer number of them have left some voters wondering if he has become “too old” to serve.

There are signs that Democrats are concerned about Biden’s obvious decline. The New York Times recently reported that, “Recent interviews with more than 50 Democratic voters and party officials across four states, as well as with political strategists and some of Mr. Biden’s own donors, showed significant unease about Mr. Biden’s ability to be a reliably crisp and effective messenger against Mr. Trump.”

DNC leadership, not to mention Biden’s family members, need to realize that the former Vice President’s best days are behind him now. Even if Biden should win the Democratic nomination, which has become more doubtful, his decline will be showcased in a general election. And Biden’s lifelong career of public service will end in humiliation.

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