Paying off your parking tickets by paying it forward is one of my favorite ideas. Like when Muncie, Indiana let people donate food and supplies for shelter kitties instead of paying in cash. Now that it’s back to school time, quite a few cities are letting people pay off their tickets by donating school supplies to local kids in need.
In Tuscaloosa, Alabama every $10 in school supplies will pay off $15 in parking tickets through the end of the month, WTVY reports. Tuscaloosa mayor Walt Maddox said:
This is a good way to pay your . parking tickets and, at the same time, give back to your community, give back to a child in a way you have never imagined.
Donations can be dropped off at the Tuscaloosa Municipal Courthouse through the end of August. Starting in September, you’ll have to pay up again.
Anyone issued a parking ticket between August 9 and August 21 in Columbia, South Carolina can take advantage of “Donations for Citations.” WIS News reports that donations must be equal in value to the amount of the citation and will go directly to students in the Midlands.
"Donations for Citations” has passed Columbia City Council and parking tickets issued today through 8/21 will be…
Posted by Main Street District – Columbia, SC on Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Spencer, West Virginia is offering a similar program for tickets issued on or before August 9. One item from a list of the most-needed school supplies will cancel one parking ticket.
Do you have unpaid parking tickets? Mayor Williams and Spencer City Council would like to offer you the opportunity to…
Posted by City Of Spencer, West Virginia on Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Two city council members in Sioux Falls, South Dakota have proposed to do the same in their city to benefit the Banquet school supply program. KDLT reports that the Banquet program was originally supported by K-Mart and ShopCo but, with those stores having left the area, this might be a great way to get kids what they need. City Council Member Theresa Stehly said:
It’s a very timely issue because it’s right before school starts and this is when (the Banquet is) collecting these school supplies for children. My understanding from the Banquet is there is a huge need for children who can’t afford to buy these school supplies.
City council will vote on the resolution on Tuesday.
The post Cities Allow Drivers to Pay Parking Tickets With School Supplies appeared first on RedState.