Fox News’ Greg Palkot was broadcasting from a sports bar in Lyon, France following the USWNT’s victory over the Netherlands on Sunday afternoon when boisterous patrons began chanting “F*** Trump.” Despite the shouting going on behind him, Palkot soldiered on with his report.’s senior video producer, Sara Pearl, caught the chant which can be viewed in the tweet below.
here's better quality
— Sara Pearl (@skenigsberg) July 7, 2019
Megan Rapinoe, co-captain of the team and outspoken Trump critic, made headlines last month when she was asked, if her team wins the World Cup and receives an invitation to the White House, would she be “excited” to go.
She responded, “I’m not going to the f*****g White House.”No. I’m not going to the White House. We’re not gonna be invited. I doubt it…[Trump] tries to avoid inviting a team that might decline. Or, like he did when the Warriors turned him down, he’ll claim they hadn’t been invited in the first place.”
The Washington Post reported Rapinoe recently said that “just the fact that someone like her can play her way onto the team amounts to “kind of a good ‘F you’ to … the administration.”
President Trump had the grace to put their differences aside and congratulate the team on their victory. “Congratulations to the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team on winning the World Cup! Great and exciting play. America is proud of you all!,” Trump tweeted.
The left found the impromptu chant to be quite amusing and Sara Pearl’s video went viral. She was very excited about that. In the tweet below, she wrote “I feel like this is actually a big f*** you to Trump’s military tank parade hijacking our Fourth of July. I’m calling today the true Independence Day
I feel like this is actually a big fuck you to Trump’s military tank parade hijacking our Fourth of July. I’m calling today the true Independence Day
— Sara Pearl (@skenigsberg) July 7, 2019
Laura Ingraham had a question for those who found this to be so entertaining. She asked, in a tweet: “What would the media/Left’s reaction have been had such a chant ever been directed at Obama in any bar?”
Journalists Jim Stinson and Joel Pollack answered below.
And his critics chant “f*** Trump” on live TV, or gleefully share articles about the same, then complain that *he* is “unpresidential.”
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) July 7, 2019
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