
TEXAS: 300 Illegal Aliens Including 9-Months-Pregnant Woman Cross US Border in Six Hours (VIDEOS)

- Juli 11, 2019

A Texas reporter in the Rio Grande Valley recorded 300 illegal aliens cross the border and turn themselves in to Border Patrol agents in a 6-hour period.

One of the illegal aliens who crossed the border is a 9-months-pregnant woman who admitted she will be giving birth in a week.


KGBT CHS4 reporter Sydney Hernandez told Breitbart News on Thursday that she witnessed hundreds of migrants flood over in a few hours:

She said she witnessed 20 in the first group, 38 in the second, “then 40, then 50, then about 150.” During the six-hour stretch, the counted about 298 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico.

Watch the 9 PM update:

At 10:55 PM, a new group of 50+ people showed up and one of the illegals was a 9-months-pregnant woman and she told the border patrol agent that she’s going to be delivering her (anchor) baby in about a week or two.

There is also a migrant who just had gastric bypass surgery and border patrol had to check her out to make sure she was okay.

Final update shows a huge line of illegals:

Breitbart News reported:

During the month of June, Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol agents apprehended 43,197 migrants — an average of 1,440 per day — according to the most recent Southwest Border Migration Report released Wednesday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Of those, agents identified 30,165 as Family Unit Aliens, 3,903 as Unaccompanied Alien Children and 9,129 as single adults.

The post TEXAS: 300 Illegal Aliens Including 9-Months-Pregnant Woman Cross US Border in Six Hours (VIDEOS) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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