
Mom Asks SCOTUS to Review the State’s Stripping Her of Parental Rights, Giving Her Son Narcotics, & Changing His Gender

- Juli 26, 2019



As reported by The Christian Post, a writ of certiorari was filed Wednesday on behalf of a mother whose child’s transgenderism was enabled by his school against her wishes. And more — holy cow, more.

The WOC, incidentally, requests that a lower court deliver its record in a case so a higher court may review it.

Anmarie Calgaro wants the U.S. Supreme Court to evaluate what her local school Minnesota district did in 2016.

At the time of her initial federal lawsuit, she described the situation in a news conference:

“Last year, without my knowledge or consent, without any court hearings or legal process, without any involvement on my part whatsoever, a legal aid group that gives free services to low income people created a notice of emancipation for my 15-year-old son. Suddenly, my son — without any notice to me — was no longer under my supervision.

“Based on that piece of paper alone, he began receiving public assistance, including medical services and housing and food support. The St. Louis County Health and Human Services treated him as an adult. I couldn’t get any information regarding my son. Even the school refused to allow me access to his records.

“It was then brought to my knowledge that my son had begun receiving hormone replacement treatments from Park Nicollet Health Services to transition from male to female with medical assistance paying for this. I was not consulted or informed about this in any way. I had no way to give or receive any information about my son.”

Geez Louise.

She also indicated that narcotics had been prescribed to her son.

In May of 2017, District Court Judge Paul Magnuson ruled against Anmarie, stating the following:

“The School District argues that Calgaro has failed to plausibly allege that the execution of a School District policy or custom caused the deprivation of Calgaro’s parental rights. The School District is correct. Calgaro fails to provide any facts that the School District executed a policy or custom that deprived Calgaro of her parental rights without due process.”

The writ notes, in part:

[T]he St. Louis County School District in Minnesota has a custom and practice of barring a parent for more than two years from involvement in the child’s education after a child is deemed by the school principal, not by a court order, to be emancipated. This is an unacceptable situation for any parent and a serious violation of parental and due process rights.

I recently wrote, in another article, “Sometimes — okay, a lot of times — I read a news story and simply can’t believe what’s happening in the world. As it seems to me, there are some really messed up things going on.”

This would definitely be one.

If parents lose their rights to the state, it’s time for a really hard reboot. Despite the pronouncement by some on the Left, America is not made grand by its diversity. The United States became the greatest nation in the world — first and foremost — because of its liberty. And it must continue to possess that greatest of virtues in order to remain so.



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Despite Democratic Claims, New Report Reveals 95% Of Border Children Have Been Reunited With Family Or Sponsors

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Find all my RedState work here.

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The post Mom Asks SCOTUS to Review the State’s Stripping Her of Parental Rights, Giving Her Son Narcotics, & Changing His Gender appeared first on RedState.


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